October 29

King of Pentacles Rx: Finding Safety

Man, the energy has been “eclipsy,” hasn’t it? Have you noticed? Because I wouldn’t think it takes a Tarot reader to notice. I can feel it personally as well as professionally.

And like many people, I’m in a transitional period, feeling anxious about it, and very antsy to move forward. Progress will impact my sense of security, making me feel like things are more settled and I am just safer.

That’s exactly the kind of energy we’re dealing with this week.

In the Cards

Outlook is the Reversed King of Pentacles. Advice is the reversed Eight of Swords. Deck pictured is Legacy of the Divine.

king of pents rx 8 of swords rx

Needs are going unmet, or more likely, they’re being partially met with a side of fear that the situation is not going to hold. This feels not quite existential-threat-level, but nonetheless still upsetting and perhaps disorienting.

It’s important to distinguish between “reality” and your interpretation of reality. These are two distinct entities. Understand the gap between whatever resolution you can imagine and what is factually possible. Again, these are different entities.

Instead of fixating on fears, shortages, or lack, you can use this upcoming week as an opportunity to completely rethink your perspective. What has been holding you hostage here? What worry or projected outcome has kept you from moving forward? What hurt have you been afraid of? Because that’s highly relevant, and there will be opportunities to leave that particular burden in your rear-view mirror.

The situation itself may not change at all. However, how you see it can totally shift. That part is up to you and me, my friends. This is great news because a shift in our energy can immediately open doors and offer options we would never have been able to see if we were neck-deep in anxiety.

As for others and the outside world at large, we have no control over them. However, we do have control over our perspectives, and those shifts will do more than anything else one can do. It’s completely worth the investment.

How are you doing, my friends? Are you feeling the stresses?

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Eight of Swords, King of Pentacles, Legacy of the Divine, Security

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