Tarot Testimonials (aka Client Love)

People most often reach out for consultations when they are overwhelmed, confused or struggling with a transition. They seek clarity, compassion, honesty, and practical advice. 

That's exactly what I strive to provide, and these Tarot Testimonials reflect this. I'm beyond grateful for the kind words from my Tarot folks. Here is a small sampling of the feedback I've received over the years, shared with permission.

Tarot Testimonials: Balance

  Balance of Compassion & Pragmatism

I’m just incredibly amazed. I felt as though someone who knows me and the details of my situation down to the letter sat me down and said, "Let’s sort this out and create a plan so you can move forward and feel really good and confident about it, too."

I’m not sure how long I would have kept tying myself in anxious, worried knots had I not requested this consultation. The balance of compassion and pragmatism in the guidance you’ve provided is exactly, exactly what I needed and am grateful for. You really have a gift.


Tarot Testimonials: On-Point

Resonates With Me Completely


Thanks so much for this reading. It resonates with me completely and is very helpful…Your reading has definitely helped to get more clarity in my situation. Confirming what my intuition was telling me. I already feel my emotional state improving just after reading what you said. I am ready to focus my energy in the right direction. Thank you for helping me move forward!


Most Accurate and Greatest Helper


Dixie has been, by far, the most accurate and greatest helper I have found…she really gives me the good scoop and the insides of any issue that I may have, but leaving me with the final decision to myself…gives the detailed pros and cons and as everything in this life is up to you, to decide which path to choose…keep on fighting or just move on…

I’m so grateful to have met her!


Heartfelt and Practical Advice


I always appreciate readings from Dixie. Her insight and compassion help keep me on track. I am always amazed at her ability to touch on things that I hadn't even thought of yet. And the best part is that she always gives me heartfelt and practical advice to deal with the situation. Thank you, Dixie.


On Point


Dixie's reading was on-point. She got right down to the emotional heart of the matter accurately, which is a testament to her reading abilities and her emotional intelligence. Also, she was very clear and honest. I'm definitely going to turn to her again when I get to another crossroads in life.


Doesn't Mince Words


I loved my session with Dixie because she is on POINT, and doesn’t mince words, but always empowers you with her balanced and detailed interpretation.​ I will definitely be back!


A Foreseeable Path


It’s amazing how spot on and insightful this reading you’ve sent to me is. Thank you so much. This reading has given me hope, and better yet, a foreseeable path. I really, really appreciate it.

Donna P

3 Hallmarks of a Helpful Tarot Reading

  • Resonance
    The reading simply "rings true."  It may echo your own intuitive nudges or feel like the process is crystallizing an understanding that's already within you at a deeper level. 
  • Relief
    The reading leaves you feeling clearer, more empowered and better prepared to navigate your life.
  • Optimism
    While a reading my not say exactly what you (thought you) wanted to hear, it should provide hope for a brighter future and a path to get there.

Tarot Testimonials: Rough Patches

When life gets particularly challenging, nobody needs more critics! We generally do a more than adequate job of beating ourselves up. Honesty is imperative without a doubt, but any and all messages are best delivered with love.

Blown Away


First of all she is a no-nonsense kinda lady with a heart. Each time she’s read for me, I’ve been blown away with her accuracy.

She does not tell you what you want to hear, but rather what you need to know to bring you closer to your truth for a happier future. I think of her as a helpful guide in the sometimes choppy waters of life. Sometimes you can’t quite hear your own gut, so she’s like the sonogram that shows you what’s kicking in there Appreciate her whole-heartedly!


Quit Waffling


If you are thinking of getting a Tarot reading from Dixie, quit waffling and sign up; she can zero right in to the heart of the matter. Dixie’s reading shone a light on my present circumstances and reassured me that my methods of coping have been suitable during this crazy point in time.


Compassion but Honesty


First of all, I want to thank you for the way you give your readings. You always use compassion but honesty. Your words soften the blow, yet you make sure I get the message even though it hurts. This past reading helped me come to terms with my relationship. Your evaluation was very accurate. You always calm me down and even when my reading isn’t what I want, your reading is very therapeutic and I am able to accept.


Tarot Testimonials: Practical Advice

Consultations are of little use without pragmatic, actionable advice. We're not looking to predict the future as much as to chart it. I reach for insights to help people create the lives they want. I also find applying guidance in one area of life improves other areas at the same time.

More Than I Expected


It was a pleasure to work with Dixie. I asked for advice and I got a great reading that gave me more than I expected: reassurance, a new perspective and a lot of food for thought. Just one answer covered a lot of issues and gave me lots of information. It helped me to reevaluate my plans and get to work in a different way but, more important, I have the feeling this reading will be even more relevant in my near future. I’ll keep it near so I can read it often.


A Foreseeable Path


It’s amazing how spot on and insightful this reading you’ve sent to me is. Thank you so much. This reading has given me hope, and better yet, a foreseeable path. I really, really appreciate it.

Donna P

Very Specific Advice


Thank you very much for this Tarot reading full of very specific and detailed advice about my job issues! The striking thing about it is that it addresses issues about me that apply to other spheres of my life as well. And the reading makes these problems stand out in a crystal clear way and it makes it easier for me to attend to them now that the need arises once again.


Solid Tools and Advice


Dixie is a deeply intuitive and very accurate reader, who I have worked with for a few years now. She sees through the complex situations that we all face and provides solid tools and advice on how to navigate the journey we are presented with. I would highly recommend Dixie for a consultation.


Ridiculously Accurate


Your description is scarily accurate–ridiculously accurate…I’m not normally much for woo-woo, but I appreciate your practical advice and insights (and tough love) combined with the woo-woo. Thank you so much!!


Heartfelt and Practical Advice


I always appreciate readings from Dixie. Her insight and compassion help keep me on track. I am always amazed at her ability to touch on things that I hadn't even thought of yet. And the best part is that she always gives me heartfelt and practical advice to deal with the situation. Thank you, Dixie.


If you'd like to know more about what I do, feel free to contact me. I love hearing from my Tarot peeps!

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