I’ve been called many things, some decidedly unsuitable for polite company! At heart, I’m just a loud-mouthed, pink-haired, do-gooding hippie chick from Kansas who taught herself to read Tarot.
Oh, yeah, and an eccentric genius. Don’t want to forget the “eccentric genius” part.
It’s been a Hell of a ride from the first day I cracked open a Tarot deck–half expecting thunder to strike me on the spot, half wondering how the Hell I expected a meaningful experience to be generated from a DECK OF CARDS FOR GOD’S SAKES!
It wasn’t long before I realized I had a gift for talking to those funny little cards. Those conversations opened doors in my life I didn’t even know existed. Finding so much of the divine hiding in my everyday existence left me with a profound sense of appreciation and strong desire to assist others in unlocking the divinity hiding in their own lives. There’s plenty to find if you know how to look.
Every day, I look to welcome magic into my life with the open heart of the Fool. Every day, I want to help YOU do the same. I cannot imagine a more important or rewarding mission.
I don’t pretend to know it all for even a minute, but I’m a damn quick study and am definitely taking notes. “A Fool’s Journey” is one of my notebooks. I hope you find value to you here as well. Best wishes on your own journey, my Foolish friends!

More About Dixie
Dixie Vogel is an author, coach, ordained minister and Tarotista, befriending the Tarot decades ago. She returned to the woo-woo world after a long hiatus, invited to start what eventually became a popular daily Tarot column at a top astrology blog. The success of the column and a growing private practice eventually led to the creation of “A Fool’s Journey,” as well as sporadic episodes of DIY-Spirituality podcast, “Woo-Woo Wonderful!” [available on iTunes]
Dixie studied psychology in college, with a varied work history in the social services. She provided paraprofessional counseling and support for populations with severe and persistent mental illness, suicidal and in-crisis individuals, battered women, and people in substance abuse treatment.
Dixie currently lives a magical but low-drama life in the Midwest with husband of many years, “Captain Virgo,” and severely spoiled feline familiars. Her Leo rising will tell you with a straight face she was a cat in a former life. Don’t let that throw you.
Following Dixie Online…
On privacy: Dixie NEVER outs people from the metaphysical closet, but please realize her social media streams are unabashedly woo-woo. If you’re shooting for under the radar, hooking up probably wouldn’t be your best bet. She totally understands.