June 28

Is it okay to repeat Tarot questions?


Don’t keep asking. Let the answer come into focus.

We approach Tarot on issues that matter to us–sometimes, a lot. Maybe this is why some fear Tarot–there’s almost an air of inevitability once “the cards have spoken,” as if all has been magically preordained and there is nothing left save cowering at the eternal manifestation. And we get upset, because, well, even with Tarot talking, we’re just not necessarily hearing.

“What does it mean? Am I sure I’m understanding this message? What if it’s really not what I want? What if I’m getting it wrong? Can I change it? Does Tarot say the same thing today as yesterday? Why? Oh my God, oh my God. What now?!?”

We believe Tarot holds answers, which is why we ask the questions. But sometimes we don’t understand  the answers or don’t like them. So we may ask, again and again–all with the same intense, scattered emotional energy. Panic readings, I call them. And you know, they don’t help much.

Tarot works predictably. The readers’ emotional state IS part of the energy connection. Fear produces static and distortion, scrambling signal. If you keep pulling cards repeatedly on the same question–let’s be honest, most of us have–you’ll start getting nonsense. Or at least, this is how it works for me.

I consider repeating Tarot questions akin to asking a sage for wisdom on the same issue nine times in a row. The first five or six times, you’ll likely get patiently delivered versions of the same message. But eventually, the sage will say something ridiculous to snap you out of your daze. Good! And honestly, I think it disrespectful to overindulge in repetitive grilling. Aren’t you more inclined to share your wisdom with those who try to listen and understand it?

I favor not repeating a question unless conditions have changed or marked time has passed. When I’m not finding the answers I’m seeking, I make note, set the question itself aside, and visualize opening up my chakras with light. I ask for understanding to come to me at the right time, in the right way, and release the question. This creates an empty space for the answer to appear. When I’m willing to let it in this way, I’ve found it does come. Not always on my schedule, but it would be hard to argue, not on the right schedule.

What do you think about repeating Tarot questions? Do you have a rule?

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Beginners, Panic Readings, Psychics, Tarot Readings

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  1. I was just wondering what is an appropriate amount of time. Is it when you feel like the energy may be shifting regardless of the measurement of man made time?

    1. I don’t have a hard and fast rule for myself. More if something has shifted, either on the outside or the inside. OR if I found a new perspective to look at it from. Just not hammer, hammer, hammer the same tired nail.

  2. I was just wondering what is an appropriate amount of time. Is it when you feel like the energy may be shifting regardless of the measurement of man made time?

    1. I don’t have a hard and fast rule for myself. More if something has shifted, either on the outside or the inside. OR if I found a new perspective to look at it from. Just not hammer, hammer, hammer the same tired nail.

  3. Dixie, have you been remote viewing over here? LOL!

    I repeatedly asked a question last night, and yes, it was a panic reading. I just couldn’t imagine WHY my Self would want to stay here, and not move out.
    It wasn’t until the Sun/Pluto opposition woke me up, and I laid awake talking to Archangels and Ascended Masters that I got clarity.
    Timing, they said.
    It’s got to be the right timing.
    And….I’ve got to let go. Stop struggling with the damn door, it doesn’t open that way! Let go of the doorknob and it will open by itself.

    So yes, I ask the same questions repeatedly. And when I don’t understand, or don’t like the answer, I ask for clarity from another source. And sometimes, I’m just not meant to know.

  4. Dixie, have you been remote viewing over here? LOL!

    I repeatedly asked a question last night, and yes, it was a panic reading. I just couldn’t imagine WHY my Self would want to stay here, and not move out.
    It wasn’t until the Sun/Pluto opposition woke me up, and I laid awake talking to Archangels and Ascended Masters that I got clarity.
    Timing, they said.
    It’s got to be the right timing.
    And….I’ve got to let go. Stop struggling with the damn door, it doesn’t open that way! Let go of the doorknob and it will open by itself.

    So yes, I ask the same questions repeatedly. And when I don’t understand, or don’t like the answer, I ask for clarity from another source. And sometimes, I’m just not meant to know.

  5. A dear sage I miss terribly had the fabulous habit of giving advice twice on the same subject to the same individual. After that, he simply said, “Rutabaga,” and walked away to do something worth his time. I can’t hear about dragons, sages or rutabagas without smiling now. When my husband, an Oracle, tells me something, then my Goddess tells me in my dreams (or vice versa) and then I see it in a reading and finally get it … I feel like both Hecate and my husband want to smack me with a rutabaga at times.

  6. A dear sage I miss terribly had the fabulous habit of giving advice twice on the same subject to the same individual. After that, he simply said, “Rutabaga,” and walked away to do something worth his time. I can’t hear about dragons, sages or rutabagas without smiling now. When my husband, an Oracle, tells me something, then my Goddess tells me in my dreams (or vice versa) and then I see it in a reading and finally get it … I feel like both Hecate and my husband want to smack me with a rutabaga at times.

  7. Yeah… I’ll own this. I do it, too! And yes, the Tarot will be patient with me at first, and then I get complete and utter nonsense. Just junk.

    Sometimes I’ll do a reading on something I’m very emotionally invested in, and on the very first reading, I’ll get (what I perceive to be) nonsense. I can’t read it. So I ask again, thinking maybe I wasn’t clear on the question. And again. And sometimes again. And still – nothing.

    That’s when I realize that I am in my own way, and I need to just step away from the cards. I need to calm down, ground myself, wait a bit, and try again.

    I like the idea you said, Dixie, about opening your chakras with light. Will have to try that next time!

    1. Oh yeah, I’ve SO been there, Regina. I’ll know the cards are right because I get the same ones three times in a row, but have no idea what they mean because I’m upset at the time. The block isn’t with the cards…that’s when I know. So that’s when I try to set it aside and clear out a space for the answer to come, emerge when I can see it. It’s a process, that’s all. Easier to say than to do.

  8. Yeah… I’ll own this. I do it, too! And yes, the Tarot will be patient with me at first, and then I get complete and utter nonsense. Just junk.

    Sometimes I’ll do a reading on something I’m very emotionally invested in, and on the very first reading, I’ll get (what I perceive to be) nonsense. I can’t read it. So I ask again, thinking maybe I wasn’t clear on the question. And again. And sometimes again. And still – nothing.

    That’s when I realize that I am in my own way, and I need to just step away from the cards. I need to calm down, ground myself, wait a bit, and try again.

    I like the idea you said, Dixie, about opening your chakras with light. Will have to try that next time!

  9. Yes, easier to say than to do, but knowing it’s not just me–boy does that help. I’m starting to realize that I should never pick up any of my oracles when I am in a fearful state. If they are going to work, I need to be grounded and clear. Now, I’m going to go and write that on the blackboard 500 times until it really sinks in….

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