February 25

02/25/12: More Waiting?! | 2 of Wands



“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

2_of_WandsIn a classic example of a Tarot theme, we’ve got another “wait” message today after hearing about patience yesterday.  Because we’re working with the non-traditional Psychic Tarot oracle, it’s a little different than how I’d usually read this card. But it’s hard to misinterpret when this Two of Wands (Mars in Aries) is called “The Waiting Game.”

With the astrological association of Mars in Aries, I can assure you, waiting won’t be especially easy! Nobody’s going to want to MOVE and DO to hunt a preferred outcome like Mars in Aries.

I do love the illustration on this card. See how the sand from the top of the of the glass—the tree you see growing in the external world—is slipping down to fill in support for the roots? When it’s complete, those roots will be…well, well-rooted! The spirals out show the reverberations of the shift extending outward.

It’s a blessing to me I don’t always get what I want, when I want it. If I did, much of my life wouldn’t have flowed nearly as smooth. A little faith, Grasshopper, that your magic is working and your life is on track, even if you don’t understand fully how it is.

How well do you do with waiting?

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet!
by John Holland

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Psychic Tarot Oracle, Tarot Twos, Two of Wands

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  1. This is where I am at right now, and while it seems to me that things are not moving I know that they actually are. I just have to have faith.

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