July 21

9 of Cups Rx and 7 of Pentacles: Making Headway


Feeling calmer and more at peace?

I sure am! Whew!

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions, but finally, things are starting to settle down. That unbearable tension is easing, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one feeling this shift.

Which brings us to this week’s forecast…

Next Week in the Cards

The Reversed Nine of Cups gives off that “almost there” vibe. You might not be totally satisfied with the current state of affairs, but things are improving. And hey, we’ll take any progress we can get! This card often signifies that while you might have most of what you desire, there’s still something missing. It’s a gentle reminder to appreciate what you have while staying motivated to achieve the rest.

As for the advice, the Seven of Pentacles encourages us to enjoy the fruits of our labor while continuing to look ahead. In the whimsical world of the Housewives Tarot, one of my favorites, we see the magic of our efforts starting to pay off. This card suggests patience and persistence, reminding us that good things come to those who wait. It’s a nudge to keep tending to our goals, knowing that the harvest is on its way.

Think of it like crafting the perfect Christmas morning – we’re not waiting for Santa to deliver it. Instead, it’s a blend of the hard work we’ve put in, the boundaries we’ve established, the decisions we’ve made, and the soul-searching we’ve done. This imagery emphasizes the importance of proactive effort and personal responsibility in manifesting our desires.

Of course, it’s not a done deal yet. Things are definitely better but not completely resolved. We’re on a journey, not just an event. The Seven of Pentacles reminds us that the journey is ongoing and requires continuous care and attention. Let’s appreciate the progress we’ve made and look forward to what’s coming, knowing it’s all based on the groundwork we’ve already laid.

What small victories can you celebrate right now, and how can you build on them to continue your journey forward?

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


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