Confession: Sometimes when I pull the weekly forecast, I secretly hope the cards won’t apply to me.
I mean, sure. I always seek to share the best possible way to manage whatever energy we’ve got. I don’t consider myself better than anybody else who reads these forecasts. What’s up for you is usually up for me as well.
But that doesn’t mean I always like it.
I pulled these cards and thought, “Oh no! Not again.”
I’ve been seeing the same themes for a while now on the weeklies–feeling battered and worn down, but with advice to hold on, do your best and keep the faith anyway.
Don’t let my predisposition towards optimism fool you. I am fully aware that sometimes, things are just hard. And I’m just as aware of how much I’d like things to be less hard! I’m not so interested in keeping the faith as I am in finding relief. But regardless of what shows up, we just do the best we can with it, right?
You may get some news you don’t like. I certainly did.
But don’t let that bad news be the last word here, because it’s not. It will get easier. I promise.
Next Week in Tarot
Agggh! Tarot Fives again–I wasn’t excited about that, although I can say I prefer both of these cards reversed. Outlook is Five of Swords Rx. Advice is Rx Five of Cups.
Cards from my well-worn Radiant Rider-Waite mini deck.
Fives are inevitably uncomfortable. Have you noticed? Think disruption and growing pains, because that’s pretty much where the fives fall in the cycle of ace to ten.
None of the fives are warm and fuzzy. Not one! We’ve got the Wands, conflict. The Pentacles, out in the cold. Swords and Cups are conveniently pictured here today, showing both defeat and grief, but at least they’re reversed.
[I read reversed generally as partial, incomplete, with the energy on the way in or out. Not full on. So with unpleasant cards, I very much prefer to get them inverted. It gives us more to work with.]
Let’s go straight to the point here, shall we?
You may feel down this week, but you are NOT out. Allow yourself to feel disappointed if that’s a thing–and I’m telling you, it could be a thing. Cry your tears and let yourself feel whatever you feel.
But don’t believe for a minute all is lost. The grief phase here is not the new normal, but a normal processing phase. There are always cups still standing, although it might take a while before you can accurately identify remaining cups (emotional strengths or touchstones) while the world feels a bit upside down.
Really, love is the best antidote. Give it. Receive it. Amplify it. Focus on it. Let love in to soothe the rawness you feel in your soul. It helps.
Group hug?
Survival Tips for the Coming Week
- Relax, regroup and reflect after any letdown.
- Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel, without self-censure. (This is an “always thing,” by the way.)
- Give yourself permission for pockets of optimism, joy and hope and well, should you find some.
- If the problem(s) seem unsolvable, say your prayers and set it aside.
- Don’t demand perfection. Just do the best you can with whatever you’ve got to work with.
- Let love of all sorts be your medicine.
Hang in there, friends. And I’ll be right here, keeping on with you. Much love.