April 27

What about the Daily Tarot?


I’ve had a number of folks ask about the daily Tarot column from ElsaElsa.com, as today’s was my last. I’ve been very, very touched by the kind comments and emails. Thank you!

I love Elsa and the crew that frequents the place, so realizing it was time to travel my own path was bittersweet to say the least. (I still plan on hanging out at the bar!) But I’ll always be thankful for the wonderful opportunities granted me there, not the least of which was realizing how very much I enjoy doing this work. Which leads me here, to start my own journey. I’m foolish. So this should work, right?

To those who’ve asked, yes, I do plan to keep writing. The discipline of a daily column has been a growing experience, and the constant seeking for something useful to say to you gave me pockets of perspective, dealt by the Tarot and much  aimed straight at me. It’s like Tarot meditation.

So for now, I’ll keep doing it if you’ll keep reading it. Deal? Look for more from me around May 1st. And thanks for all the fish!

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.



Share your thoughts!  
I don't interpret Tarot draws posted in the comments. Hire me for a personal consultation.

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  1. Dixie, I just wanted to tell you that I think your writing and Tarot reading skills are truly impressive. I have always enjoyed your Daily Tarot on Elsa.

    Either the issue you broached or the interpretation of the card or both, would trigger internal dialogue and thought, and I wanted to thank you very much for that. Your time, dedication and totally unique expression of sharing your life experiences and Tarot knowledge with all of the readers on Elsa felt like a personal gift to me. I am sure I am not alone in my feelings.

    All the very best to you, as you explore new areas on your journey. I will be a follower here.


  2. Please excuse me if it takes a bit for your first comments to be approved. I haven’t trained this filter.

    And thank you all for your kind words. Knowing I’ll have some familiar faces on here makes me feel at home/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_html already. ♥

  3. Also counting down to May 1 – you are the only tarot person I’ve ever seen hit things on the bullseye without knowing a whit of back story. I really don’t wanna lose you, so I think you may be stuck with me.

  4. Woo-Hoo! Congratulations on your new journey! I think it’s very exciting that you’re branching out on your own and hope for you great success! Love YOU!

    1. Well, that’s how it’s _supposed_ to work, at any rate. Default to Monster when there is no Gravatar. But I wouldn’t bet my life on it or anything…

  5. Hi Everyone!
    Cool site so far, Dixie. And I love the ‘little grape dude’ and the other monsters around here.
    Back soon.
    All the best to you, Dix.

  6. Dixie, This is wonderful I’m so happy to see this site you are working on and can’t wait to be an active participant!
    (((DIXIE))) I feel like we should have a housewarming party!

  7. Wow! This is wonderful Dixie! I thought you were getting out of the Tarot biz, I am SO relieved. You’re stuck with me too, indefinitely. Your readings are incredible and you’ll do very well!! I know this!

  8. Dixie, I LOVE how a monster is automatically assinged, mine is PERFECT!! She has one giant eye because she’s always “searching for answers” & cute shoes! Looking forward to your first Daily Tarot Reading!!

  9. I love these monsters – but having a Gravatar already, I doubt I will get one… ohhhhhh…..

    Looking forward to exploring your site

    1. Thanks Caroline. They are based on the email. If you have a Gravatar associated with your email, it will use that. Otherwise, you get to be a little monster.

      I like pictures.

  10. Dixie – You’re welcome! Yes! It’s been a flabbergasting, synchronistic experience. I ordered a pair of oval cut earrings for daily wear, and it took about 3 months using intuition to pick the right pair. Ordered some power beads too, all from satyacenter.com. They charge their products with Reiki.

    The great thing about having a piece in your vehicle is daily Sun charging.

  11. I have missed you at the Elsa blog and didn’t see or hear of you leaving, so I had to go look for you, and came upon this site through a circuitous route. Glad to know what the deal is, and yes, I will keep up my part of it and keep reading! (now that I know where to look). Best wishes.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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