August 25

Negative Predictions in Readings

This is a psychic readers’ rant: I can say 200 helpful, positive and optimistic things in a reading. But if I have ONE iffy, even remotely negative thing to say, guess which one reverberates loudest? Guess which one people unfailingly zero in on, over and over again?

I am SO not doing this gig to trump up y’all’s anxiety, man. But I also give you exactly what I get. That’s the deal I made with my invisible friends who help me.

“Give me what I’m supposed to share, give me what’s in the highest and best good for this person to know at this juncture.”

Usually they will give me what I ask or related, sometimes something else if it’s especially important. Sometimes, that’s exactly what you want to hear but other times, it’s not.

Now, it is completely and utterly more pleasant to be able to tell you what you want to hear. And most of the time, I know exactly what that is. (Side effect of being psychic.)  But I don’t hold out on y’all because I don’t want to deliver bad news!  I don’t pick and choose what I give you, or spin it down three notches to take the punch out of it. I don’t want to be in the position of making those calls myself, with my everyday Muggle version of wisdom and sunshine-and-roses biases.

Every life has ups and downs. Some lives have a lot more of one or the other. Regardless of what cycle you’re in, if you call upon me to be the messenger, I’ll do my best to deliver the message with integrity.

I’m not a sugar-coating reader. I’m an OPTIMISTIC reader sure, but there is a big difference. If I’m feeling heavy, difficult and hard-to-navigate vibes, that’s exactly what I convey (along with genuine sorrow over the fact).  The validation of hearing the truth is a lot more powerful than any phoney-baloney “It’s all grand starting tomorrow, ain’t it?” BS when it doesn’t ring true.

I do find profound  reason for optimism in life, and in the amazing human spirit! Y’all inspire me and educate me and lift me up with your strength, perseverance and ingenuity, even under difficult circumstance. But sometimes, you all can also drive me crazy. Har! That happens when people hear only one side of the story. It can be just the positive bits, but far more often, it’s what’s perceived as negative. Big picture, it may not actually be negative but either way, the outcome is the same.

Thing is, besides truth, I also look for the exit doors. I actively seek out ways to short-circuit strife, make painful periods easier, quicker  and more constructive for you. There is no reason to suffer without cause! Surgery can hurt but it should ultimately become healing, you know? Healing! That’s what I’m looking to help with.

So don’t come to me if  you “don’t want to hear anything bad.” Also, don’t come to me if you are only ready to hear the bad! Please take what I have to say with exactly the weight I give it, and more importantly compare it to what your intuition tells you. I am good at what I do for sure, but human as the next pink-haired psychic chick. 

Just don’t pile on a ton of fears on top, decide I’m “being nice” and turn it into doomsday. Fears are not the same as intuition. Fears block intuition. Fears create cages; intuition creates doors.

I am here to serve. Take advantage of what I’m trying to provide: tools for living better, truer, and more in tune with your own spirit. Compare what I offer to what your inner voice has been telling you, and you’ll have a powerful means of moving forward in your life.

Do you tend to get worked up over specific predictions in readings?

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Professional Readers, Psychic, Tarot Readings

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  1. I LOVE this post, Dixie! While I don’t get worked up over negative predictions, I have clients who do. And you hit the nail squarely on the head when you said you could give 200 optimistic predictions, but it’s that ONE difficult, challenging thing that people zero in on and and decide that the end of the world is coming. That truly drives me nuts when clients do that. In fact, I have literally fired a couple of clients who repeatedly did that to me. If I have to say, “Oh no, here comes Negative Nancy wanting another reading!” then I know I have to disassociate from that client. It’s one of the ways I have learned to survive in the psychic world – and keep all my hair intact. LOL

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