Working with the cards and working with dreams share great similarity–understanding metaphor and allegory, noting and interpreting the little details that jump out unbidden, and a solid connection to the ethereal are your greatest allies. Both dreamwork and Tarot are powerful avenues to insight and hidden truth.
Comfort with wordplay, thinking outside the box, and an solid eye for symbolism make your work much easier, with either Tarot or dreams. Work in one realm enhances the other. So bear that in mind when you’re looking to grow your skills in either arena.
That being the case, I’m exceptionally comfortable working in the language of dreams. As I’m sometimes asked for dream interpretation in the course of Tarot consultation (and have had great feedback), I’m officially adding dream interpretation to the services offered.
Recurring or psychic dreams–often especially vivid and striking–are great candidates for dream interpretation.
Expect a 3-5 card spread (or a few more as required to get to the meaning), a full explanation of everything I get for psychically for you, and of course my famous “take-home message” card to put it all in perspective. Dream Readings are currently priced $25.
I’m looking forward to helping you decode the mysteries of your unconscious! Request a Dream Reading.
Do you do dreamwork?
You are the DREAM NINJA!! The dreams you’ve done for me have been RIGHT ON!
Excerpt (put this where you need to like TESTIMONIAL-snort)
ME: All she kept saying was “I don’t know” & I’d ask “why didn’t you ask any questions” & she’d say “I didn’t want to pry” & her voice was irritating. Plus I couldn’t really hear her or understand her due to all the noise of the planes and it was frustrating.
Dixie: Planes are freedom & I think you were frustrated not just because you couldn’t hear her but because of the “I don’t knows”. Ask yourself if she’s usually unaware of what’s going on & doesn’t ask questions.
OMG this was a HUGE bit of enlightenment to the situation I’ve been trying to understand. When I sat back & deciphered the information it was very clear what this meant. HUGE REVELATION!