Oh. My. God.
I just realized that it’s been 3 days since I’ve posted something. That may not sound like much, but that’s actually the longest time I’ve gone without publishing anything–for over three years?
This kind of blows my mind.
I’ve spent the last few days doing some serious letting go and cleaning up, as sort of a preparation for Mars going direct. Prepping for what’s coming next. That’s a good thing. Exciting but also scary as Hell. But overall, a good thing.
However, thought y’all might appreciate a Weekly Flow forecast anywho. Ha! This is for Monday – Friday. I’ve got something different lined up for the weekend.

Overall, I’m liking most of this week, although I do have to admit the start looks better than the finish. We’ve got a mix of the elemental energy, so I’m expecting a balanced week in terms of focus, with Monday having the most kick, coming in with a Major Arcana card. The challenge this week as I see it is carrying your Zen within to the very end, you know what I mean?
Monday: The Empress
Mars is going direct with a bang! Great day to take DEFINITIVE action on getting what you want or diving in head first to creative projects. What you lovingly birth or care for today has some staying power. Fortune favors the brave and the nurturing with this energy. Do something beautiful with it!
Tuesday: Four of Wands
Is this an event I see? Meetings, parties, or socializing with loved ones can build an atmosphere of security and enhances a sense of “being in this together.” In business negotiations, agreements reached today will likely be harmonious and long-lasted. This is another day when you want to focus on what you’re creating but rather than it being a personal project, it’s done with someone else.
Wednesday: Ace of Cups Reversed
This is striking me as being kind of PMS-y, like a collective “Midol moment.” Possibility of emotionally overreacting to external stimuli. So think twice before you have yourself a meltdown because who wants to be making apologies the day after? It feels worse than it actually is, so I’d opt for distraction (or my favorite, a nap!) until you feel better.
Thursday: Seven of Swords
Great day to keep a low profile and not draw undue attention to anything you don’t want changed by the powers that be. On the flip side, if YOU are the “powers that be,” scrutinize the Hell out of everything that crossed your path. Something may well be hidden therein. Ha!
Friday: Page of Pentacles Reversed
Watch spending today. It’s very easy for it to get away from you, with small expenditures adding up before you notice. Double check receipts and bills, too, to make sure it all adds up properly. There is a possibility of errors or overcharging that could easily be missed.
Affirmation: I am at peace.
Remember, it’s not what’s going on around you that creates your peace. It’s what’s going on INSIDE you. Controlling what’s going on around you is nothing but a big, fat illusion! Controlling what goes on inside you means that no matter what, your mojo cannot be disrupted. You’ll probably have some opportunity to exercise your “Zen muscles” this week. It will help keep you from overreacting or missing important information as the week winds up. So keep a clear head, folks!
What are you expecting for the coming week? Does this line up for you?
Schedule a Tarot session with Dixie for some personalized support, just for you.
Oh hey – I’m doing a tour on Tuesday of a place I really want to work with. It’s the Maker Mart – they haven’t yet hired someone to run their commercial kitchen, and I don’t even know if they’ve thought about what they need yet, but I’m going in Tuesday for a tour and hopefully meet and greet. Fingers crossed – I’m gonna do my best to make a great impression and show them I can do that job. I like the cards for that.
And I think I’ve said this but it bears repeating: I really dig this weekly flow. I’m one of the freaks ( ) who would read the morning forecast email before I got out of bed. I like having a bit of foresight and planning built into it. Thank you.
Good luck on your tour! That sounds like a fabulous opportunity. I hope it works out well for you.
And thanks for your feedback. Funny, I’ve noticed what I end up writing with this format feels more “immediate” to me. I also love that you read the forecasts first-first thing. ♥
LOL @ Shannon. Call me a freak, too.
Well we’re both in good company, eh?
Every day! I keep the weekly ones and remind myself in the morning, too.
Bless your hearts!
What's the point of having a resource if you don't use it?
I’m feeling creative, and am cooking *a lot*. Soup and broth, for my stomach issues, and for my mother. The Empress makes a lot of sense for the beginning of the week.
I’m supposed to be going down to Amish country with dad, for work, and to visit Berlin seeds (non-GMO plants and seeds), and if that ends up being Friday, the reversed Page will make sense. I’m just trying to maintain the amount of stability I’ve regained in recent weeks, and to build on that.