October 12

10/13/15: Notable Progress / World Reversed


world reversed tarot nova

You cannot manage everything, all by yourself, all the time. That’s what I’m seeing in the World reversed today. It doesn’t mean it won’t come together and it doesn’t mean all is lost. It just means be realistic.

In fact, realism, responsibility and diligence are excellent qualities to embody whenever the World energy is at play anyway. Even inverted, it’s a pretty warm, fuzzy card, speaking to mastery, excellence and completion. It is the last of the Major Arcana, after all, a culmination of the Fool’s Journey.

Are you there yet? Nope! Sorry, but that’s how it is. Are you close? Probably! Tie up loose ends, double check details, and make sure your i’s are dotted and your t’s are crossed. You know? We’ve got a Mercury retrograde on the way, so that’s a good idea anyway.

You may also want to review just how far you’ve come and how much you’ve mastered along the way now. Because I’d be willing to wager you’d be surprised by the volume of experience you now have under your belt. Keep on truckin’ folks! You are making progress and it’s notable.

Do you feel progress?

Tarot: The Complete Kit
by Dennis Fairchild

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Tarot Nova, The World

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