May 1

05/02/13: Cooking up Accomplishment / World



Where can you find the recipe for a happy family, a peaceful home or a healthy child? Why, in the recipe box of the World, of course! Here, all the ingredients are listed, the techniques bullet-pointed for easy reference. Each recipe is neatly filed to be readily accessible. If you’re missing some ingredients, a quick review will point that out. Perhaps a shopping list would help keep you on track?

The World is a card of mastery, coming at the end of the end of the major arcana. Nothing significant is missing; the steps for accomplishment are clearly understood and achievable. All that you provide is the work.

You can proceed with confidence, knowing dinner will come out just fine.

Do you feel like you’ve got “the recipe?”

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

Schedule a session with Dixie.

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Housewives Tarot, The World

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