August 17

Whiff of Drama? Run. Weekly Tarot Flow, Aug. 18 – 24


Tarot Forecast Aug 18 - 24

Noticeable in this weekly forecast is the number of Major Arcana (5 of 8 drawn) and the business with the court (the remaining 3 of 8). Taken together, I’m expecting the flow of the week to be important and very much person–or personality quirk–driven. I’m expecting interpersonal interactions to be heavy-hitting this week, folks. I’m thinking drama in the air, although without a doubt, how much it impacts you IS in your hands.

Monday, What is Hidden – Moon reversed: A reversed moon hints at hidden dysfunction, secret madness or self-delusion. IThe Moon is not an easy-to-grasp energy anyway, let alone in the position of “what’s hidden.” Bluntly put, what’s not being seen today is the “crazy.” If someone doesn’t make sense today, don’t assume it’s you that’s “off.” On the other hand, if nobody seems to be understanding you…well, never mind. Har!

Tuesday, Attitudes and Thoughts –Queen of Pentacles: Attention is firmly upon practical matters and taking care of business. Especially in the position of “attitudes and thoughts,” this queen is very pragmatic. She wants to get the bills paid and the grocery shopping done. People are hungry and dinner must be served! She cannot be bothered with distraction that doesn’t serve any purpose. I’d suggest emulating her to accomplish the most today.

Wednesday, Crossing – King of Cups: While we were all busy getting practical tasks wrapped up yesterday, today the King of Cups shows up to FEEL. He is not so matter-of-fact as our Pentacles court and in fact may well get in the way of our to-do list as his energy is “crossing” us, bearing down. Some emotional or artistic expression should satisfy him well enough that your day isn’t overly disrupted. I recommend singing along to loud music when nobody is listening. Use your mood to pick the song.

Thursday, Surprise – Knight of Wands Reversed: Someone may have an entirely different idea of a joint project than you do. This strikes me as an unexpected admission, a message out of the blue or even a surprise departure from a job or  joint project.

Friday, Hopes and Fears – Chariot: We want to reach the finish line, but are afraid we may not have what it takes. Man, do I know this feeling! Keep focusing, keep making progress, however humble or indirect, and you’ll be able to bring it home. Honest, this is a helpful energy. But it’s watery, emotional energy, ruled by Cancer. You really have to be able to ride the waves to effectively work the Chariot.

Saturday, Friendship – The Star reversed: The first time I tried to type the card name, I wrote “scar” instead of “Star” and it seems to me, a reversed Star in the position of “friendship” could well be an emotional scar. However, even inverted the Star is a hopeful, future-looking card. Give friends space and be gentle with their feelings. We all could use that sometimes.

Sunday, Hobbies and Talents – Judgment: I want to tell you to take some pride in what you do with your free time. You don’t have to quit the day job, man, but stand back and give yourself credit for this energy you manipulate and the outcomes create, just because you want to.

Overview/Advice – The Devil: In a weekly overview, the Devil gives a feeling of inevitability, lacking options. He’s not a welcome sight! However, like most energy associated with the Devil, this lack of option is actually an illusion, a slight-of-hand that requires participants suspend disbelief. Anytime you feel trapped or without choice this week, ask yourself if it’s truly the case, or if the feeling comes from not wanting to give up your “fix,” whatever your fix is. You know what I mean? You can say, “I just cannot lose weight,” but maybe the truth is you cannot lose weight if you don’t change habits you really don’t want to change. You can say, “I don’t have enough money, “ but maybe you would have enough money if you budgeted differently. That’s fine, it’s still up to you, but it’s not the same thing. The idea here is to differentiate between options that are honestly inaccessible versus options that are incompatible with emotional attachments. You dig?

Affirmation: I am beautiful and everybody loves me. This one just makes me laugh! I do believe I’m beautiful but I know for a fact not everybody loves me! Maybe I can take it seriously if I change it to, “I’m beautiful and everybody who counts loves me.” Not discounting the people who don’t, except you know what? Kind of am, because I don’t give them a vote!

The challenge with a week like this is keeping your footing, not getting sucked into vicious circles and the link. I am expecting a few twists and turns, but if you stay oriented in the practical, give yourself options for blowing of steam, and emphasize treating your tribe with kindness and respect, you should be not too much the worse for wear by the end of the week. With that affirmation in particular, keeping the ol’ self-esteem intact and remembering that you ARE loved should make things easier when you have a “moment.” Here’s hoping you don’t have many of those.

How’s your week looking?

    Schedule a session with Dixie.

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Gilded Tarot, Judgment, King of Cups, King of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Devil, The Moon, The Star

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