“Thor the Warrior Kitten, you are cute but that’s Mama’s camera strap. I need that!”
Thor is an adorable, sweet and loving kitten; Thor is also an unpredictable, sharp-clawed and colossal pain in the ass.
Raising a rambunctious kitten isn’t a lot different than parenting, to be honest. There are challenging bits and pieces to parenting, kids or kittens.
Or to going to school. Or to marriage or career or making art or damn near anything that we consider an accomplishment.
The flavor of the overall experience isn’t in the bits and pieces of individuals incidents, or in the ebb and flow of the days and months and years. The overall flavor of the experience lies solidly in the perceptions of the participants.
This week is a lot like that.

The overall vibe of this forecast is one of struggling with a long-standing situation. Fear or tiredness may play a factor, but what starts out stressful lightens up by the end of the week. A conscious decision to direct your actions and thoughts where you want to go makes all the difference here.
Monday, Open Up – Four of Pentacles: This is a stable, if somewhat anxious, stance overall, so the advice to “Open Up” is more prescriptive than descriptive. Be aware of any situations where you may be functioning out of habit, reacting to very outdated information, or otherwise not being fully present and reacting to the present. Look around, even if you think you’ve had it all pegged for a good long time, okay? Possibility of new directions if you remain open to seeing them.
Tuesday, Dedicated Effort – Eight of Pentacles: Bang, bang, bang on the hammer! Just keep hammering away at what you need to do. It’s a day of work. If you can sneak a little service in there, so much the better.
Wednesday, Helpless and Hopeless – Eight of Swords: Standoffs today are less reality problems than they are perception problems. Are you overreacting to something? Is someone overreacting to you? Any time the emotions are much bigger than the situation would objectively provoke, you’re tapping a deeper emotional vein. Think trigger. It’s important to question your stated reality and look for the root of triggers.
Thursday, Heal – The Star: If you’ve been diligently questioning assumptions already and identifying triggers and roots, today’s reward is a chance to heal some of that hurt. Allow yourself optimism. Let it grow.
Friday, Coming Together – Two of Cups: Any choice that faces you today, choose love. Without fail, without hesitation, without question, choose love!
Saturday, Seek the Truth – Seven of Swords: What “everybody” understands to be true doesn’t matter. This truth is of a highly personal nature. We’re seeking to realign our thoughts from the shifting over the last week.
Sunday, New Vitality – Ace of Wands: Physical activity is a great choice today, or just make something! I don’t care if it’s art or a shelf or dinner. It’s a time of renewal; choose regenerating with activities that make you feel really ALIVE.
Overview/Advice, Take the Lead – Three of Wands: The seeds you plant in your life, via repeated words, thoughts and actions, are the forebearers for the experience you harvest. Are you headed toward what you want? Whatever you want more of, take the lead by consciously choosing that direction.
Affirmation: I can deliberately reach for joyous thoughts. You cannot and won’t love everything that happens in your life. Nobody savors every experience. But you can REACH for the most optimistic and hopeful framing for the life you’ve got.
[bctt tweet=”You can focus on what you don’t have. Or on what you do. #choose #joy”]
Are you spending more of your energy acknowledging blessings or discontent?
If you enjoy these forecasts, you’d probably like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives. This week features the Psychic Heart Tarot Oracle and Abraham-Hicks affirmation cards. Get yourself a personalized consultation here.