I remember the first professional Tarot reading I did. I was SO terrified! I’d read plenty for friends and family, and later friends and family of friends and family. But with that audience, they are likely to be kind. There is some kind of personal connection. They want to support you, and let’s not forget–you’re doing them a favor if you’re reading gratis. You’re getting practice and they’re getting insight, so it’s mutually agreeable exchange and they’ll likely be forgiving of any missteps.
But having somebody I didn’t know PAY for my reading was a huge stretch.
I was going to make a go if it through EBay; at the time, you could list Tarot readings there. I charged $15 for a full Celtic Cross. And I wanted backup reassurance, so I got her birthday. After I finished the reading, I ran it through my astrology software, just to make sure what it said was consistent with what I saw. I didn’t include astrological reports with the reading. It was just for personal reassurance. And yes, my reading was on target.
Geez, that lady got a Hell of a deal!
That first reading I did was very much a calculated risk. As terrifying as it was to put myself out there and read for strangers (for actual money!) I knew I could give a good reading. I would never have considered putting myself in that position if not. What I learned in the process was that it’s usually easier to read for strangers because all that stuff you “know” about your loved ones is less likely to get in the way. Still, it was terrifying and hard. And even today, there’s that twinge of anxiety before I start, when I just hand things over to spirit and ask for what’s needed. Even now, it’s easier but still, not easy.
But had I not taken a chance that day, terror and all, you wouldn’t be reading this.

Looking over this forecast as a whole, there’s plenty of opportunity for measured risk-taking. We do have several Major Arcana showing up–it’s important stuff we’re dealing with–and a noticeable emphasis on the Water Element with the number of cups appearing. Emotional impact is “a thing.” Themes of balance amidst losses, release and (measured) risk-taking tie this week together with a bow…or maybe it’s a knot.
Monday, Sadness and Isolation – Seven of Swords: What a way to start the week…the image on this card is interesting, though, in that it looks to be prescriptive. Come clean. Emerge from your hiding place, and show yourself, you know? The antidote to isolation is built in–come on out!
Tuesday, Flow – The Wheel: Looking at today, that Kenny Rogers song is going through my brain, The Gambler. “You’ve got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run.” Pay attention and go with the flow today. Flexibility allows you to ride the tides as they shift.
Wednesday, Opportunity Beckons/Base Chakra – Four of Cups: With the Base Chakra card showing up, we’re talking issues of security and safety, basic needs. Opportunity is beckoning in the form of how those needs get met. You could make a move today–a calculated risk–which increases your sense of security significantly.
Thursday, Spread Your Winds – Two of Wands: Continue to act on those calculated risk. Risk your ego. Risk your image. Risk stretching outside your established comfort zone. Say what’s on your mind or in your heart. Be honest. Be true to yourself. Sometimes, that’s very hard. But payoffs are often in proportion to the reach, y’know?
Friday, Moving On – Eight of Cups: [recent repeat] Let it go, let it go, let it go! What do you want to walk away from?
Saturday, Rebuild – Tower: [recent repeat] Oy, this is a pretty watered-down Tower representation. Ah well. Oracle Tarot decks, whaddya gonna do? The pattern on her gown makes me think of a house of cards. When you see the Tower, there IS a house of cards has fallen or is about to fall. Whatever does fall, however, was a house of cards. Remember that part. Kind of the point of the Tower, you know? So yes, take stock and rebuild. And understand, houses of cards will always fall. Knowing the difference between the card houses and those made of stronger construction methods will serve. Just keep going, okay? Keep on going.
Sunday, Change Your Focus & Detach – Five of Cups and Justice: These two came out together. Solid follow up to the Tower. It looks very much like grieving–or to be more precise, trying to rebound from grief, at least enough to regain equilibrium. The detachment of Justice isn’t about not caring. It’s about balance. Release through tears, and seek equilibrium.
Overview/Advice, Nurture/Heart Chakra – The Empress: Love yourself. Love others. Care for animals and children and plants…loving is such a very important activity, sharing love. It heals both the giver and recipient. It helps you through the toughest of times, and makes the brightest of times shine brighter. There is no end to the good love can do.
[bctt tweet=”Don’t just guard your heart. Make it stronger via exercise! #quotes”]
Affirmation: I am selfish enough to want to feel good. There is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. I harp on that point quite a bit, actually. I see self-care as a sacred responsibility. It’s your job to look after yourself, damn it! Don’t push it off on others. “Selfish” is treated like a dirty word, and if you mean caring only for oneself and nobody else, then okay. That’s ugly.
But if you mean protecting your mind, your body, your spirit, healing and nurturing it…well, that’s important. Without that, you’re not much good to anyone else. It’s a waste of the gifts, the energy and resources you have to give. And joy in your own life, doing what you can to feel good, not only impacts you and the people nearby. It impacts every one you come in contact with, directly or indirectly. You are lighting a match, adding the the illumination of all…
Are you comfortable taking calculated risks?
If you enjoy these forecasts, you’d probably dig Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives. This week features the Psychic Heart Tarot Oracle and Abraham-Hicks affirmation cards. Get yourself a personalized consultation here. Because you deserve it.