June 21

Weekly Tarot Forecast, 6/24: Do Not Cling!


Oy vey! It’s another toughie this week.

Short answer: You may not be getting what you planned upon (or deserve). Don’t let that trip you up and above all, stay flexible! The nature of this energy suggests that letting go of what ain’t working is your best bet.

Are you feeling this? God, I hope not!

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Death, forecast, Tarot Illuminati, Three of Wands, Video

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  1. I shouldn’t laugh but I love your reaction. It’s not always light and fluffy woo woo around here – I dig that, because life isn’t always light and fluffy.

    Hang in there Dixiebelle, it’s the weekend!

    1. No, laugh! Laugh! Laughter is a great antidote to suckage; laughter neutralizes copious amounts of bullshit. It’s the best we got sometimes. I’m keeping it at the top of my arsenal.

      ♥ to you, m’dear.

  2. I just bought some lavender – at the spice shop, for making lemonade. (Have you seen Thug Kitchen yet? It’s hilarious.) Might as well have some pretty flowers in all this proverbial and literal lemonade I’m making, I say.

    plus: purple!

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