May 3

Weekly Tarot Forecast, 05/06/13: Heavy, Man!


This week’s Tarot forecast isn’t easy, but seems plenty worth it.

Short version: It’s like the final preparations for forever moving away–go through that house carefully because you won’t be able to come back for any missed belongings. Seek support if you can (even just emotional or moral support) and take good care of yourself along the way. You probably knew this was coming.

Are you feeling this?

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


forecast, Gilded Tarot, Ten of Wands, Video

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  1. My husband is in a rehab, going through detox. After these months of telling me he wasn’t drinking, he went on a bender day before yesterday. I already knew this week was going to be hard, But to be honest, I’m more worried about when he comes home/dixiblog/domains/ in a week. Our insurance won’t pay for full rehab – only detox. Which means he’ll come home/dixiblog/domains/ “clean”, but without the skills to stay that way.

    1. Eh, good question, huh? I don’t think a lot of stuff to manage is a big surprise to most needing to manage it, though. In some ways, I almost find it kind of reaffirming, like, “Yes, it can be done, it’s short term but necessary.” But I’m weird that way, I’ll admit.

  2. LOVE you so much Dixie. I link your wisdom whenever I can and I absolutely love that you’re doing vidcasts now! So much good mojo to you and keep kickin woo woo butt!

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