So, it totally cracks me up how the daily forecasts seem to sync up with my weekly video forecasts. Take this one for example…
You think I plan this shit?! I don’t. I’m not that organized! I film the weekly videos at one time. I write the daily forecasts in bunches at another time. I edit the videos at yet another time and post them after that. Do I realize I’m writing about the Hermit for Virgo season? NO! I cannot keep track of what I’m doing this afternoon (or the fact that it’s actually evening now), let alone what planets are going to be where for whatever time frame I’m working on at the moment.
But realize that even though I’ll cop to being haphazard in my approach at times, what I produce isn’t. It’s because I DO indeed go with the flow! Being plugged in gives me that special blessing. Even when my planning falls short, I can stay planted in the flow. This is the gift it can give you, too.
Short version: SHUT up the damned loud-mouthed Monkey Mind and instead, tune in to that gentle peaceful place within, also known as the flow. The idea that sticks in your head after you’ve let it sit? Do that! The gentle, slightly unsettled feeling you need to address this or that, the one that creeps in when you’re relaxed and falling asleep? THAT, listen to that! The daily drama of worry and anxiety and frustration and stress over if you’re good enough or what people are going to think? That’s that stuff you can tune out, making room for the soft, psychic background music.
All told, not unpleasant advice if I do say so myself.
Are you able to hear the quiet voice within, or is your Monkey Mind a big mouth?