I got a request to bring back the Deck of 1000 Spreads, so I thought I’d see how it fit with the weekly flow for the next couple of weeks. Like each day’s card, the affirmation card and an overview card I drew, I pulled the positional cards as a divinatory draw.
As I look over this spread, there’s no element that leaps out at me as dominating the mood, although we have a couple in the Cups suit. But looking at this as a whole, I see a week where HOW YOU THINK has a major impact on HOW YOU FEEL. Not that the idea doesn’t always apply to some extent, but especially now. There is a lot of choice implied here, with outcomes in the balance.
ASTRO REMINDER: Do your last minute pre-Mercury retro stuff now, early in the week! The week will probably start to wonk out before the weekend, so keep procrastination to a dull roar.
Monday, King of Swords reversed as Hopes and Fears: I’m seeing worries that if you set boundaries, you’ll get kicked to the curb. My question for you is, “Would a station curbside be preferable to remaining without the freedom to honestly set boundaries?” Don’t agree to what you’re not willing to provide here in order to appease. You won’t get much sympathy later. Make sure you’re absolutely as good as your word—which would suggest being judicious with your word. Because you can bet your ass somebody will quote you.
Tuesday, Page of Cups as Health: Pay attention to your mood, folks! It can make you sick OR or well today. Relaxation, music, and time around water is helpful in soothing a troubled heart. Drinking or chocolate, both approved if you don’t go nuts with it already.
Wednesday, Four of Pentacles Reversed as Advice: What have you been afraid to consider? Consider it. What’s your definition of stable? Is that accurate? Do something brave today if you get the opportunity presented. Let go of something outdated, something that doesn’t fit anymore. It can be a pair of shoes, a companion, a self-assessment, or a view of reality. Fear is like a ball and chain that won’t let you fly.
Thursday Wheel of Fortune Reversed as Future Life: Don’t count on just good luck to get you through. But don’t assume all bad luck, either. You win some, you lose some, you know? This reminds me of the idea, you don’t always get what you want, but you do get what you need. (Cue the Stones.)
Friday, Queen of Wands as Negative Influences: If you’re too caught up in your own opinions, you’ll not only not hear anyone else’s, but they won’t bother sharing them with you. This can give the mistaken impression your world feels exactly as you do. Dismissiveness isn’t a character strength.
Overview, Six of Pentacles: A little trust and a little faith goes a long way. You may once again be triggered a bit by childhood experience this week. That’s okay, so long as you recognize it for what it is. And why not consciously bring up some of the good stuff you got from way back when in the process? The totality of experience is never all good or all bad, but oft times we focus on one end or the other of the stick. No need to be blindly optimistic or insufferably inconsolable. You do the best you can with what you’ve got to work with, and you stay busy making things better and enjoying the Hell out of what you have to be grateful for.
Affirmation: I have the ability to direct my own thoughts. This kind of speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
How’s your week looking?

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