Timing is everything. I can do the same things, but if my timing is off–best indicated by how I FEEL about it, in the moment–it just doesn’t work. But when I am feeling good about it? Much different story.
[bctt tweet=”To get your timing right, act when the thought gives you joy. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]
When I look at the forecast for this week, I’m seeing someone flopping themselves about, shaking the dust off of their clothes. Sort of like a wet dog, you know? Shiver and shake to break free of the mess, getting ready to take off. That’s how this week feels to me.
I totally blame Mars retrograde. We’ve been buried up to our necks in everything that isn’t right, is not working, feels stuck, and cannot be changed for what seems like forever now. The good news, of course, is that we had opportunity to see what’s not working, and the 29th, Mars goes direct. So that very frustrating feeling of being unable to move forward or accomplish whatever you like should start dissipating. YAY!
And next week’s forecast bears this dynamic out. The beginning of the week is murky, but it turns around to a lot more clear and optimistic towards the end. The weekend is perfect for clearing your head and clearing the air.

Monday, Eight of Wands: Take heart! While situations are not yet settled, it’s breaking loose and it won’t be long before resolution will be upon us. You may not be able to see just what’s happening behind the scenes, but trust that movement will be forthcoming. If unsure of what you need to do, set the topic aside for a few days. End of the week, it will be more clear. This also has a feeling for me, of being inundated with details. If that’s true for you, just list it out and go one thing at a time.
Tuesday, The Moon: Be aware of stories that are compelling, but not factually accurate. Perhaps–no probably–the feeling content is the same, though. Great time for a little escape, too. Movies, books or music? Divine intervention, right there.
Wednesday, The Sun rx: Ah, let’s get happier today! Optimism is starting to take root. Feed it, to see it grow. Enjoy it. Revel in it–don’t talk yourself down. The lift is timely. Mars goes direct.
Thursday, The Empress: Feed yourself well today. Share it. Literally and figuratively, eat quality. Creative projects go well. Self-care and replenishment is always a good choice when the Empress shows up. Time in the garden or in nature is especially rewarding.
Friday, Ace of Cups: A little something you run across may really touch your heart today. A look, a few words, a tone of voice, something small. May take you by surprise. That’s okay. Wherever your feelings run deeper than you’d initially expect, it’s tapped another, deeper emotional vein. Look at it, with an open, compassionate heart–both the “little thing” and what it triggers.
Saturday, Page of Swords: Talk it out. Negotiate. Communicate. Come to an understanding. This is a great day for clear, plain talk. Understanding wins, and thoughts and ideas come into focus. Get quiet and clarity will settle upon you like a butterfly landing on your head.
Sunday, Queen of Swords: Prioritize. Make good on your agreements from yesterday. Stay laser focused on goals and don’t get sidetracked with irrelevant tangents. If you take this approach, you’ll get a lot done today! Lean towards rational and fair for the best outcomes.
Overview/Advice, The World: You got this! You know that, right? Because the World says you do! Throughout the week, make your decisions based on who you want to be–the responsible, together and accomplished adult that you are. Act in a way you’d feel fine about other people knowing, even if nobody is looking. Responsibility and applying your full skillset in an honest, straightforward way to the challenges of the week pays off.
Affirmation, Nine of Cups: I love this card as an affirmation prompt. So many possibilities! All is perfect in my world. I’m where I’m supposed to be, doing what I’m supposed to be doing. I am at the right place at the right time. I am content. I am satisfied. I am enough. I appreciate what I have. I am grateful. I am joyful. I love my life. Everything is always working out for me. Life is fabulous!
Take your pick or make your own, here.
What affirmation will you use this week?
This forecast uses the Radiant Rider-Waite Mini Deck. Get a personal consult here, or check out my books. And love your life.