We used to have an old beater car—okay, we’ve had a LOT of old beater cars, but there was one in particular that I absolutely hated. It had been in a wreck before we got it, and it drove funny. The steering wheel had a little shimmy in it—a little disorienting at first, and still bothersome even when you got used to it. The alignment wasn’t quite right. It drove…but it was old and beat up and just…well, bleh. I hadn’t picked it out and I didn’t like it and I wanted my old car instead but that was my option, what I had to drive at the time.
Well, I cursed that car every single time I drove it. Complained and sighed, rather dramatically I’m afraid. Felt sorry for myself, driving such a clunker. I fussed at the steering shimmy and griped about it every time the subject came up. In general, I made a much bigger deal about that car than it need to be, to the point I was positively cranky every time I got in the thing.
Eventually, I realized how childish my grudge against this car was. I decided, “Okay, if this is what I’ve got to drive, I need to appreciate it.” I decided my attitude was the biggest problem. So I added some personal touches, hanging up a necklace on the rear view mirror. I put new mats in it, and seat covers and a new trash bag. I spiffed it up. I actually thanked the car for getting me around safely. (Yes, I did this aloud, although not when other people were there.) And I found, when I was driving it, I wasn’t so mad any more. Lo and behold, I had even started liking that car.
A month later, I was rear-ended at a stop light and the car was totaled. Hahaha! There’s some divine car karma, right there.
We got a check from the insurance company for about four times what that car was worth. When I stopped obsessing about what I didn’t like about that car, the Universe handed me a transportation upgrade.
This week? You may be able to get yourself an upgrade from the Universe, if you can stop being pissed off about what you’ve got.
Monday, Advice – Knight of Swords: Focus! Think and act, think and act. Use clear language. This is fast-moving energy, but you can keep up. Just make sure you don’t multi-task yourself into confusion. One thing at a time.
Tuesday, Attitudes and Thoughts – Four of Swords reversed: There’s difficulty here “letting it rest” in your head. Like me cussing my old car, are you going on and on? Listen to what you’re repeating to yourself, what is disturbing your peace. It’s almost certainly coming from your own brain…
Wednesday, Action – Three of Wands: How Zen is the action of inaction? The main theme today is letting what you’ve done prior play out. Keep anything you do consistent with what you expect to get. No matter what you’re driving, appreciate it and look forward to when the Universe shows up with a new ride.
Thursday, Spirit, Five of Cups: Awwww. This is sad! What do you feel you’re lacking? What are you missing? In my story, I missed my old car, that I had picked out and didn’t shimmy in the steering. But I had to feel my sadness and let it go before I could live in the present.
Friday, What to Know – Four of Cups reversed: Not everything turns out just how you expected it would! That’s not necessarily bad, you know. Just understand, daydreams are that. Sometimes people don’t follow your script. Hell, sometimes YOU don’t follow your script. Let your daydreams inform your attitude, but know that manifestation may come in entirely different clothing.
Saturday, Significator – Ten of Pentacles reversed: Lack of contentment and satisfaction is an INSIDE job. Appreciate what you’ve got if you hope to get a Universal transportation upgrade.
Sunday, Lesson – Six of Swords: You ARE actually making that difficult transition. Reflect on the week as a whole to see your progress and honor that.
Overview/Advice – King of Cups Reversed: Understand and honor your feelings, but you don’t need to revel in them, and you (sometimes) can benefit from a little more perspective. If crying makes you feel better, cry. But then let it go.
Affirmation – I am safe in the Universe and all life loves and supports me. It’s hard to take this affirmation literally, but the general idea—the Universe supports me—that I can work with. You know? We may not get what we want but we generally get what we need, even if we don’t know we need it at the time.
Looking over these cards again, I realize there is a lot of travel in this spread. Lots of movement and motion. A lot of it is in your head. So use your power of reframing to make it as pleasant a trip as possible.
How’s your week looking?
Schedule a session with Dixie.
Interesting. True story? I’m travelling this week. Leaving on Wednesday for Kentucky, with a friend and my daughter and my grand-dog. Should be a ride for sure! I’m printing this out to take with me, since I won’t have my computer with me. I need a laptop…lol