December 27

Two-Step Forward Tango: Weekly Flow Tarot, Dec 29 – Jan 4


Tarot Dec 29 - Jan 4

As I look this over, I think of the bit I just read today from my friend Josi, on the 1st quarter moon.

“It is quite common to encounter blocks to intentions at this time. These blocks are not necessarily horrible. Sometimes they are small things that we overcome quite easily. But what they do is put that challenge in front of you so you can walk through the whole assessment thing. You stop, consider your goal, consider the challenge and then decide if you still want to follow through. ” –Josi Case

That’s what this week looks like to me. Challenges and reassessing—two steps forward, one step back in a perhaps-frustrating-but-probably-fruitful dance. I think this is the kind of week that won’t make sense in the middle. It’s only after the fact we’ll realize what all happened. You know what I mean?

Monday, Goal- Magician reversed: The goal is not to have to force each and every little bit of the process. We want a little flow without having to “make it happen” utterly and entirely. Since we’re talking “goal,” that means we’re not there yet.

Tuesday, Unconscious Desires – Six of Cups:  A wish for things to be simpler, less complicated. This is a desire to let go, relax and trust the first person who stands before us. It’s a wish for a sense of innocence. In the position of “unconscious desires,” you may not be aware of just how strong this drive actually is. Be sure you’re not inadvertently overlooking the obvious or blindly trusting today. Not saying things ARE complicated or people ARE untrustworthy. For all I know, that’s not so. But factor the weight of personal desire out of the evaluation algorithm.

Wednesday, Partner, Nine of Wands reversed: The partner here is tired and wants to just let go. Expect this, and offer a hand if appropriate.

Thursday, Future – Strength reversed: You don’t have to hold out forever. But for now? Yeah. Hang on, slow, steady and gentle.

Friday, Disappointment – Chariot reversed: This is a detour. Disappointment over getting sidetracked. Even reversed, the Chariot is a pretty positive card. But I’m reading this as impatience with a delay. Sorry!

Saturday, Blocked or Covering – Queen of Swords: We need a release, and one not based on emotional consideration. Where are you overbooked, overworked, unable to keep up? What ball doesn’t really belong in your court? What habit must you give up in order to reach your goal? What’s weighing you down, or in your way? That’s the root of the detour, right there.

Sunday, Past – Five of Pentacles: The Five of Pentacles is nobody’s favorite card (at least, that I know of), but hey…it’s in the position of “past.” That helps. I see this as longing for something now gone, feeling a loss of old. It could be as simple as mourning a loss of innocence from Tuesday’s “unconscious desire.” It could be feeling Saturday’s realization, which cannot really be taken back. Honor whatever feelings you have, but reach out to your support system as well. I find there is always a support system available when I see this card; people are often just reluctant to invoke it.

Advice/Overview – The Moon: This week is a very small, and in some ways deceptive part of the picture. A lot of grounding and reassurance can take place via reframing. Work a little magic with your words, focusing on the where you’re going over where you’ve been. The moon is the realm of both magic and madness, so work the magic hard to skip the crazy part.

AffirmationListen to your heart. When we’ve got a challenging stint facing us, doing the best we can, doing what we feel good about deep down inside, is a sort of insurance. This is a way you can live without regret, so long as you know you’ve always done the best you know how to do. I used to ask my kids when facing dilemmas, “What would you feel good about?” I suspect this may be a useful question to ask yourself this week, focused only on yourself. What would I feel good about doing? Whatever it is, do that.

How’s your week looking?

Schedule a session with Dixie.

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Deck of 1000 Spreads, Five of Pentacles, Gilded Tarot, Nine of Wands, Queen of Swords, Six of Cups, Strength, The Chariot, The Magician, The Moon

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