Thank you all for the kind words and well-wishes on my recovery. I am still a little tussled, but am getting around much better, which does wonders for my mood.
Side note: The Unicorn “Forever Lazy” Onesie is fairly helpful for one’s mood, too. Especially if it’s chilly outside!
Nevertheless, I’m still running on partial power here. (I didn’t even manage a column last week.) So, I’m going to keep this week’s brief.
Oh yeah – I am doing readings and getting good feedback recently, especially on the audio readings. I am open to limited phone work but understand I will need a lot of flexibility with that because my energy level varies, and I absolutely won’t do client work unless I’m satisfied it will be up to par. Thanks for your (practically unending) patience with the situation!
But let’s get to the point for me and everyone else, shall we?
Next Week in the Cards
I grabbed the first deck I saw, which happened to be the playful Housewives Tarot. Outlook is Two of Wands. Advice is reversed Nine of Wands. The wands are not a big suprise since we’re moving into a more fiery vibe with the Aries new moon and all. Expect a week of action!
There are choices to be made. Fair enough. We’ve always got some of those, it seems.
But with a reversed Nine of Wands as advice, I’m going to say do NOT dig your heels in or marry yourself to a particular path. Stay flexible and recognize the concept of sunk costs.
Are there alternative ways to meet your objectives? Have you taken options off the table that could be viable because there is something you don’t want to acknowledge or consider?
In short, make your choices but remain flexible and re-evaluate your positioning as needed.
Here are the questions to ask yourself now: Are you faced with choices? Are the assumptions you have been using to make these choices still applicable?