March 28

Two of Swords & King of Cups: Help with Uncertainty


In times such as these, I don’t know that it’s so much the facts of a current situation that weigh on people as the uncertainty.

We may be okay, today. Our loved ones may be okay, today. But since we don’t know what to expect tomorrow, many are struggling just the same. And not being able to see a clear path from now to then just makes it all feel that much less secure.

There’s no real cure for uncertainty other than waiting (and faith, if you’ve got some available).

But the advice for next week can be well implemented in times of uncertainty and it will help.

Next Week in Tarot

I pulled out The Good Tarot this week because, well, I wanted to see something “good!” Pretty pictures sounded like a great idea to me. For outlook, we got the Two of Swords (air). And for advice, it’s the King of Cups (water).

Many choices are being made right now–some of them hard. In fact, whether we do or don’t do anything at all, in that very doing or not doing, a choice has been made. One need is being weighed carefully against another and we’re making the best of what we’ve got to work with. This is on both personal and collective scales.

Advice is just as straightforward as the outlook: live from your heart. Speak from your heart. Act from your heart. The King of Cups is creative and caring. He’s very aware of emotional currents and not afraid to express his feelings or acknowledge another’s. He doesn’t need to agree with you to be emotionally supportive. The point of view doesn’t matter. Only the “give-a-damn” factor matters here.

This coming week, make the most rational decisions you can and focus on the love. As I’m fond of saying, there’s plenty of both beauty and ugly out there. Our choice isn’t about which exists. Our choices are about what we amplify, by means of our attention, discussion and personal energetic contribution. That’s it. So use your choices to amplify what you want to see more of, okay?

Stay safe. And share as much love as you’ve got to share. It helps.

p.s. I know many  are struggling right now. If you think some Tarot Love could help, please reach out. I’m happy to do whatever I can, so I will be offering sessions on a pay-what-you-can-afford basis for anyone who needs it while we’re in the middle of all this crazy. ♥

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Good Tarot, King of Cups, Two of Swords

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