I’m tired.
I had to get up up much, much earlier than my body wanted to accommodate repairmen. So I started this column in the morning but set it aside for lack of focus.
When I came back to it, I realized the cards weren’t merely showing me next week’s forecast. They were very succinctly setting my cranky butt straight over what’s been churning through my brain all day.
This is obviously a function of being tired, because Tarot never talks back to me like that otherwise.
Seriously, though: I’m going to do my best to follow this advice not only the rest of the day, but next week and beyond. It’s damn good advice.
Next Week’s Tarot Forecast
I’m sticking with The Good Tarot for now because I’m still in the mood for a softer, prettier interpretation of life.

We’ve got the Two of Cups (Water) as outlook, which traditionally is depicted as a couple, sort of like a lesser version of The Lovers. For advice, there is the Page of Wands (or as she’s presented here, Messenger of Fire).
Now, the Two of Cups often heralds a young romance or the like, so it’s a welcome addition to any forecast. As with any Tarot card, there are layers you can unpack. My friend, Josi, prompted me to associate this card with making peace at some point, and it stuck.
You may not have any external interactions whatsoever. It’s not necessary, although it may be part of the mix. But whatever is weighing on your heart, you have the power to make peace with it right now.
Ruminating? Feeling misunderstood or underappreciated? It’s not anybody else’s job to value you. It’s your job to do it for yourself. The arguments you’re making in your head are ultimately with yourself.
The Two of Cups suggests we hold fast to optimism. Good intentions have been set and there’s unfailingly a hopefulness inherent in the energy of this card. People enter into relationships expecting everything to work out. While the future remains unrevealed and perhaps even anxiously anticipated, long-term expectations are nonetheless positive. People don’t enter into unions expecting those unions to break down.
It’s an encouraging outlook. We don’t know what we’re getting. But we are in the position to make peace with the ride anyway, holding out reasonable hope for safe and ultimately beneficial travels.
Furthermore, this little fiery Messenger giving advice would have us let our inner flames glow and grow–but more importantly, act on the fires of passion. Wands are the no-compromise family of the Tarot court.
Allow yourself to imagine successful scenarios and move forward in that direction. You may have to alter course, but you won’t have to compromise the root, the true heart of your intentions. Just trust that you’ll work it out as you go along. Because you will.
Next week, make peace with wherever you are–or where the world is, whatever. This will help clear your head and settle the din so you can hear (and follow) the truest intentions of your heart. It’s so much less confusing when you’ve made your peace first.
Have a great week, friends. And if you want to schedule a one-on-one to work things through, give me a holler.