March 28

03/29/14: Tried and True / Hierophant



Situation Hierophant? To me, that smacks of going up against the establishment. Fighting (or maybe counting on) City Hall! Business as usual. Expect the expected. What you see—or more specifically, what you’ve ALWAYS seen—is what you get here. Consistency is not necessarily a virtue, but here, you can bank on it.

In terms of advice, this combo suggest a conservative, by-the-books approach for a predictable outcome. My Uranus would rebel, but you know, sometimes playing by the rules is the right thing to do.

Also, in a fight with “the man” today? I wouldn’t be quick to be out the outlaw/rebel/little guy.

And since the Hierophant is ruled by Taurus, you would be perfectly in character to have some cake when you’re done with the day’s labors. Just order no weird, unpredictable new flavors. You won’t like ‘em!

Tried and true. Tried and true.

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Deck of 1000 Spreads, The Hierophant, Zombie Tarot

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