February 15

02/15/12: Passion & Compassion | Queen of Wands, Temperance


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“Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men.” Confucius

Today’s Tarot is the Queen of Wands (Water in Fire) and Temperance (Sagittarius)—another mixing of Fire and Water, more or less.

Temper passion with compassion. Temper compassion with passion. Stand for something, yes! Approach what matters to you with resolve and determination. This Queen wouldn’t think of anything less.

But all the while doing so, understand: other people NOT being you. They are not wrong for being not-you, any more than you’re wrong for being not-them.

You can co-exist gladly, combine your gifts with theirs, as long as you make peace with this truth.

Does it bother you when others think/act/feel differently than you?

The Transparent Tarot
by Emily Carding

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Queen of Wands, Temperance, Transparent Tarot

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  1. Only if they’re deliberately hurting me with it, or when I perceive a threat in a relationship, or to the safety of someone else.

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