When you’re scared about what might happen, it’s very difficult to make clear-headed, rational choices. That worst-case-scenario mindset sort of sucks all the air out of the room, you know?
And yet, I see so much currently being undertaken with exactly that mentality. In some cases individually and in others, collectively, it seems like the drama out in the wild has reached a peak so many people are in exactly this situation: trying to battle off an ever-increasing sense of impending doom.
I try to avoid that sort of thing nowadays. At least, I opt out if I realize that’s what I’m doing. It is a choice to call upon faith, I guess. It’s a choice to believe the Universe will continue to run without my stress hormones jumping into the mix.
But you know what? It really does ease transitions. Things DO work out. Deep breaths, in and out. Taking your time. Centering. Doing the best you know how and then, doing a little rest and re-set to clear the head and refresh the body. Letting inspiration lead you forward instead of fear. It’s clear that way; a much nicer ride.
That’s also the approach I’m going to be suggesting for everyone in the coming week. We can count on one hand the number of people who are
Next Week in Tarot
This week for the forecast, we have The Tower (!) as our outlook, with advice coming in as the Page of Air (Swords) from The Good Tarot.
Now, whether or not I’m using a soft, squishy-themed deck (and The Good Tarot is very much that), the Tower is still the Tower. I tend to read the Tower as beneficial in the big picture–but what don’t I read that way? However, there is no denying that the Tower is disruptive, unsettling, and often, upsetting energy. It just is. If you prefer sunshine and flowers as do I, the thunderstorms the Tower heralds may be unwelcome.
However, taken with the advice we’re getting from the Page, the phrase that comes to mind here is “clearing the air.” An illusion cannot be effectively maintained in the light of a Tower crash. You can try to cling to it if you’re so motivated. But really? That approach just doesn’t bode so well in the long run.
Side note: I don’t think we’ll have to do anything in particular here to clear the air or get things rolling on the reveals in play. I see this “Tower situation” as evolving entirely on
Your best bet is to see any and all shock and disruptions as tools to provide greater clarity. Anything that’s broken, illusory, or otherwise disrupted with the Tower’s crashing is offering useful information. It furthers our understanding and opens up perspective. Remaining open to learning what you can from it without undue drama is definitely the way to go for the best outcome.
In other words, my advice for this week is to not worry over the past, but make note of the present.
Are you (mostly) in the moment right now?
p.s. I am doing the 2019 Year-Ahead Zodiac readings. These are mp3 readings with a picture of your cards and I will be offering them at least through the end of December. These are $50 via Paypal, so just shoot me a payment and note any area of life you’re particularly interested in if you want one. ~Dix