Some of what I’m seeing lately makes my heart hurt. Not just because people are suffering, although some are and of course, I feel for them. But it’s more the (to me) needless and self-inflicted suffering that leaves an ache.
People see a huge amount of ugliness in the world. I can’t say there’s not some of that, though I don’t choose to dwell. But I can say that in some instances, it strikes me more like dirty glasses than actual ugliness.
Having the “proper” set of beliefs/attitudes/actions is not a reliable litmus test for being a good person, no matter what appears to be obvious to the observer.
You know how many times in my life my beliefs have changed? A lot! My intentions, however, are consistently good. My value and worth as a person did not change back and forth just because my interpretation of how to live best changed.
I am not a good person or not one because of what I think should be done about this or that, which public figure I support or do not approve of, or what my idea of “solution” to any issue looks like. It’s not so black and white. Good people can have very different viewpoints. That diversity is our collective strength, not a weakness.
We might admonish one another or ourselves to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.” Usually this comes up as a suggestion when we feel misunderstood. That’s all fine and well, but we cannot spend even a minute living in someone else’s brain. I’m doing good to keep up with just my own. At best, we can weakly imagine what someone else’s experience may be like based on our own past experiences. It’s just not a very precise art, so I’m completely unwilling to damn someone else over my inability to understand where they are coming from.
The truth lives in the heart, not in the path taken to express that that truth. You cannot see what’s in your neighbor’s heart, although you can sometimes feel some of it out, if you are open to it. But really, understanding what is there it’s not so important as you may think it is. From the folks I’ve met, most want to do good, even if they have no idea how to go about it.
Next week’s cards addresses the general chaos that’s about and suggests a reliable path forward.
Next Week in Tarot

I have been sticking with The Good Tarot right now, hoping for some sunshine. But even a softly colored rendition of The Tower is still the freakin’ tower man. That’s the outlook. Advice is likewise unequivocal in the form of the Emperor.
Why does the Tower not surprise me now? Pluto is stationing retrograde. The world is in quite a bit of chaos, and those areas of our lives that were not especially shored up, maybe a little iffy, now stand before us, glaring and obvious as proof of what’s not working. “Disruption” is a sterile-sounding but still accurate description for what most people are feeling right now. The Tower is loud and clear.
But for advice, we have the Emperor. Little thing I’ve noticed about the Emperor–most people tend to focus on him being in charge, a leader. That’s true but it is not what comes first. Outer control isn’t sustainable. Inner control is. The Emperor is always first and foremost in charge of himself. If he loses control of himself, he’s of no good to any kingdom that may be looking to him for guidance. By keeping his own focus and resolve, however, he becomes an inspiration and example to others. But he’s not likely seeking out that ends.
Instead, he’s doing his best to live true to his own heart and values. He uses whatever authority he has judiciously, in support of the greater good. If he were not to walk the talk himself, he’d be utterly ineffective.
This coming week, understand there is (still) much disruption and chaos. That is not something any individual one of us can fix. We do, however, control what energy we bring to the table. We can (and would be well-advised to) run our own lives the way that makes the most sense to us. Bring as much kindness, caring and love to the table as you’ve got.
Instead of trying to convince the rest of the world to act out my version of a good person, I’m going to be doing my damnedest to embody that goodness myself. Will I single-handedly change the world in this way? Of course not. But I didn’t single-handedly generate the world we have now, either. Instead, I’ll be doing my part.
Way I see it, I can be part of the the hurt or part of the healing. I can be part of the waves of disgust or part of the equally powerful waves of appreciation. I can focus on what I don’t approve of or I can focus on what my heart tells me is kind and loving and true.
I know where I want to settle in. What about you?
Stay well and safe out there, friends!
If you’d like a personal consult, reach out. I’ll work with you on fees if needed.