Quantum leaps always sound so great, don’t they?
I want to get from where I am, to ========> over here, NOW.
Now, now, now.
I get it. I do.
But quantum leaps often don’t feel better than gradual, steady progress forward in the real-world living.
Quantum leaps usually come from Tower moments–significant disruption. They are disorienting and often born out of crisis or boiling point. They are intense. They can be challenging.
Whereas steady step, step, step in the direction you want to go? Much easier.
Trying to force or push a big jump forward is usually fruitless anyway. Instead, settle for an ongoing reorientation towards how you want to feel, over and over and over. Reorient towards the feeling place you want to be the same way you’d check your travel route against a map. That will carry you through and it’s a whole lot easier than trying to will yourself to teleport.

The flow of next week pretty much jumps out here: slight sludge through the start, swinging into brighter weather midweek and ending on a high note. The beginning isn’t awful, it’s just got the potential to be twitchy here and there. So take it slow and steady and be kind to yourself through the process. Making peace with wherever you are will allow the smoothest flow.
Monday, Queen of Wands rx – Keep your temper monitored to keep from turning into a McCrankyPants. Because that’s no fun for anybody. Just take your time through the day and any time anything isn’t where you want it to be? Take a step back. Breathe deeply, in and out. It’s not hard to stay on solid ground here as long as you remain aware of your emotional state and make any adjustments before it gets ramped up. I don’t see this as an overwhelmingly intense day. Just little pokes here and there, which are easy enough to sidestep if you’ve decided beforehand, you will sidestep.
Tuesday, Moon rx – Scorpio moon day. There’s a sort of wariness, like the theme is “undercurrent.” I would almost say, it’s something like air has some thickness with what’s not being said. Nothing to do with it. Just don’t go full-on paranoid if you are feeling this, because the week sorts itself out within a day or so. I’d suggest invoking your Scorpio power and observe the Hell out of it all. And happy birthday to my Kidlet!
Wednesday, Six of Cups rx – A relaxing of scrutiny. Overall the tone is lightening up here and the sense of sloughing through is largely lifted by this evening. Have a relaxing evening.
Thursday, Knight of Cups – Appreciation flows freely today, back and forth. Focus on what you love and share the wealth by letting people know you appreciate them. It can be little or big, those close to you or at random strangers. But if you make the choice to focus on appreciation, it returns exponentially.
Friday, The Lovers – A harmonious day! This feels easy and fun to me. Clicking into place. Enjoy your day!
Overview/Advice, Judgement – Do the best you can individually and don’t concern yourself with what others say of you or what they do themselves. All things will sort themselves out in the end. This is a “keep your eyes on your own paper and let God sort it out” kind of week. If you do that, though, you’ll be able to glide through and feel pretty good. So do it!
Affirmation – You know what to do. You get quiet and peaceful and as calm as you can. You allow yourself to plug in. And then? You act when you feel the inspiration, doing what feels the best.
[bctt tweet=”Your connection never goes away. You just have to shut the brain up long enough to hear it. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]
Everything happens in the time and place that can allow for it, and not before (or after). If you approach the week ahead with patience, and a slow, steady determination to make the best of wherever you find yourself, you can have a pleasant week overall and make some progress toward what you want. Doesn’t that sound like a plan?
It’s my plan!
In short: don’t bitch at yourself if your life hasn’t unfolded just so. You’re not done! The flower blooms at just the right time and so do you. Patience isn’t so much a virtue here as a provider of some ease. I’m all about taking the ease whenever possible.
Priority is your peace of mind and connection. If you keep coming back to that, maintain your center, then everything else smooths for your path. I’ll take it!
How you doing?
This is a really crappy picture of a really beautiful deck: Legacy of the Divine. Plus some Archangel Cards. This is my book, if you dig this sort of thing. Find me here for a private consult.
And when I went to check on the weekend, I realized I didn’t write about it. Ha! I guess I need to get myself a copy editor someday. Or proofread better.
Saturday, stable (Four of Pentacles). Sunday, take good care of yourself and eat well (Queen of Pentacles).