Even after I remembered the forecast this week, even after I did my draw, it still took me a few days to get it posted.
My life has kind of been like that.
So I’m going to be direct–like, more than normal direct–since I’m writing the forecast after half the week’s gone by.
Next Week in Tarot
Outlook and advice, both reversed. Three of Wands is the forecast, Ten of Wands the guidance. Cards are from the Universal Rider Waite Mini.
We cannot tell what’s coming. Only that SOMETHING is coming. It feels pretty big. But you can’t exactly prepare for it when you can’t see what (or when) it is.
So what now?
Tarot gives us the answer in that reversed Ten of Swords.
You take this time to recover. You heal. You breathe. You relax. You ground. You sleep. You get stronger. You find yourself.
That’s how we prepare to move into the future: we get a good, solid grasp on who we really are, at our bests.
Wishing you all much rest, healing and solid self-care, friends.
Much love!