October 20

10/20/11: Three of Pentacles | Set up a Committee!



“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” –Michael Jordan

I’ve worked for myself for a number of years and there are many, many parts of the working-for-myself lifestyle I’d never want to trade. (Like not needing permission to have pink hair!)

One thing I do miss, however, is the camaraderie of being on a team—colleagues help plan, strategize and offer feedback, something you may not value that much until you don’t have it. Even if meetings threaten to make your head explode. Because I know, I can’t be the only one.


Today’s Tarot is the Three of Pentacles or Lord of Material Works, associated with Mars in Capricorn. Find partners who share your common goal and work together. You’ll get further than  alone. Mars provides drive, while Capricorn provides structure and mastery. Make sure responsibility (Capricorn) is clear. Then act (Mars)on your part.

Are you working with others toward a common goal? How’s it going?

Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
by Us Games Systems

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Mars in Capricorn, Radiant Rider Waite, Tarot Pentacles, Tarot Threes, Three of Pentacles

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  1. “Are you working with others toward a common goal? How’s it going?”

    It’s going great! The committe I’m working on is the “Helping me get MY shit together” committe and the absolute BEST person working on this has pink hair – har!

    Thanks Dixie!

  2. :cat: Door’s open Coffee’s on, brownies in oven. Come on over. We have lots of work to do to get things straightened out and we are just the people to do it!!!

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