“Wait a minute. Who am I, and who do I want to be?”
This is a question I ask often of myself, especially when my ego is getting a little beat up. I won’t even say it’s over imaginary slights, because some of them are quite real and intentional! But that doesn’t mean I’m giving a critic free reign to my self image. It doesn’t mean anger, hurt, disgust or retaliation are my only choices of response.
That’s not a meal that feeds my soul. I can leave that table whenever I choose.
That is this week, right there! Looking at this lineup, I’m expecting self-control and remembering who we are—and why we’ve opted to become that person—to be invaluable. Highly notable is the number of court cards. People and their personality quirks, including your own, play a pivotal role. Coming as we are right off of a New Moon in Sagittarius, I’m betting some of the intentions set will play out in a slightly different way than expected, due the personality factors of the people said intentions impact.
Monday, Future – Queen of Swords: Moving forward, goals will be achieved via rational means, and eliminating wastes, of both resources and energy. To-do lists can readily be logically prioritized and pared down today. Dead weight needs to go! No need to be unkind. There never is a need for that. But you do need to be clear, decisive and brave. The Queen of Swords is all those things. That is part of why she’s so effective. Call her energy up to help you.
Tuesday, Hopes and Fears – Four of Pentacles Reversed: Which of your quiet little neuroses eats up way too much of your energy? What ridiculous worries do you allow in? You can dump one (or some) of them today. Call upon yesterday’s Queen of Swords as an aid and apply her standards to what you obsess over. If you can drop an energetic burden you’ve been unnecessarily indulging, you’ll feel so much lighter!
Wednesday, What to Know – Ten of Pentacles Reversed: An investment or concession may be required to “get along.” I cannot say if it’s a good investment, a good value. That’s for you to decide. Just don’t be surprised at the expectation from someone close for a sacrifice of some kind on behalf of the group.
Thursday, Positive Influence – King of Cups Reversed: Your feelings are private, and do not become public unless you act on them. Allowing them to flow and exploring their significance first? Well, that’s a really, really good idea. You’ll learn a lot more that way, and spare yourself grief in the process. Also? HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Friday, Immediate Future – Knight of Cups: Feelings are flowing freely, and they are quickly shifting. Expect this to continue for a bit. There is no reason to be overly distraught by feeling upset today, because it can go as quickly as it arrives. This is a necessary period of emotional processing.
Saturday, Unconscious Desires – Queen of Wands: Secretly? We may wish we ran the show, never gave in, and stood our ground all the time. Realistically, it’s sometimes a better choice to choose our battles. There’s nothing wrong with these desires, but they will serve you better if made conscious. You don’t want to be digging in your heels without understanding the drive to do so.
Sunday, What you Can’t Change – Page of Wands Reversed: What’s been done is done. Decisions are made, action has been taken, and people are whomever they are. None of these things are within your control. Let them go!
Overview/Advice – Page of Swords Reversed: Be wary of criticism and words that are hard to take back. By the same token, carefully choose which criticism aimed at you in constructive and helpful. Sincerity is not the mark—applicability and your own judgment of how it fits with who you want to be is what matters. You’ve heard the admonition, “Measure twice, cut once?” Well, this week it’s “think twice, speak once.”
Affirmation, Remember Who You Are – Archangel Michael: “You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved.” Do not let any upsetting feedback muck with your self image. KNOW who you are, and always do your best to act in concert with that, and it’s not easy to get thrown off-balance by personality quirks and other people’s issues. If you stay centered in love, in good intention, and in a feeling a gratitude, this comes pretty easily.
All told, it’s a week where gratitude is especially healing, and generosity, with yourself as well as others, will do much to ease any rough patches. Just keep that question, “Who am I and who do I want to be?” close by and you’ll have few problems!
Do you ever ask yourself something similar to guide in difficult moments?
Schedule a session with Dixie.