What makes somebody who they are? What makes you, you?
I’ve been thinking about this lately. Is it behavior? History? Memories? Relationships? How is the essence of who someone is expressed?
No matter where you find this central core of identity to reside, though, I can’t help but think that how we choose to interpret it is the most important part. And how we choose to interpret isn’t reliant on rationally observable facts.
Let’s call it therapeutic projection. That’s what the cards are suggesting for next week.
Next Week in the Cards
The outlook and advice were both reversed–“Sorrow,” aka the Nine of Swords, with advice of “Participation,” the Four of Wands. I pulled for a power source for us this coming week, and we got the Seven of Cups. “Projections.” From the Osho Zen Tarot.
We may find plenty worrisome next week. Not necessarily terrifying. Not horrendous. Just worrisome. Enough to tweak anxiety, if you’ve got yourself a stash of anxiety to tweak.
The energy feels taunt right now, stretched and stressed. Many are looking at conditions they do not like, sometimes feeling guilty and stupid for finding themselves wherever they are to boot. If that’s where you are, I’m sorry. But whenever you’re ready? You can take the cards’ advice instead.
Participate. Show up with your whole self and no agenda beyond embodying the kind of energy you want in your life. That energy you put out there front and center both attracts more of it and tunes you in to the frequency.
Projection gets a bad rap, but it’s not the act of projection is inherently bad. People are often unaware they are projecting, so it creates all sorts of interpersonal tangles.
But done consciously, projection can be a source of shifting energy. You want more love and kindness in your life? Start looking for it, anywhere you can.
Pay more attention to finding the groove you want than what the objective reality might be. Who cares about the details? They don’t have to make up your world if unless you decide so. Project what you want to see on top of whatever is there.
You shift energy to find more of it. You allow yourself to consider what you’d like to see, and repeatedly imagine you’re seeing it. And we make our ride nicer in the process. What’s not to like about that?
This is a way to become what you want to see. You feel it. You look for it. You project it. You tune into it.
This coming week, be kind to yourselves, friends. And may all of your projections be the therapeutic kind.