February 1

The Lovers: Finding Your Truth (and Living Accordingly)


Last week, in doing those experimental Spirit Message readings, I found myself getting more visuals than normal. During readings, it’s very common for me to see pictures in my head. They’re usually metaphorical, but sometimes literal. I think maybe the extra extra energy devoted to meditation along with the even stronger intention to “see” for these may have made the difference. I’m going to keep playing with it (for all my readings) because it was helpful.

It’s kind of funny to me, really. The Spirit Messages were about checking in with invisible friends. Guides, Spirits, Angels, or dead folks, what-have-you. But I don’t really think of these entities the same way many card-slingers do.

I consider all my beliefs to be no more than a “working definition” of how the Universe works. (This is one way to avoid feeling like an idiot when your perception of reality shifts, as my has many times over the course of my life.)

So I speak from personal experience, absolutely, but I don’t assume my interpretation of my own experience is going to match anyone else’s or even my own at a different juncture. I don’t feel like I have access to the final word on what’s “real.” Everything we experience as reality must first go through the filter of our perception, after all. I know my perception shifts and expect it to continue indefinitely. So who am I to say?

Before I got so woo, for example, I would have utterly pooh-poohed the idea of spirit guides. Not logical enough to suit all my Virgo! I am sure I obnoxiously rolled my eyes into the next week, when the topic came up. But now?

Well, I’ve met a lot of guides, distinctly recognizable to the folks I was reading for. The messages they shared were relevant. Hard to deny those who you’ve met. Even tougher when the messages are solid.

I’ve seen angels when reading for people who work with angels. I’ve also seen dead people and Gods and saints and animals–each depending on who I’m reading for. I learned not to overthink it. Just present it all as I perceive it presented to me.  I don’t know for a take-it-to-court kind of fact what, precisely, I’m tuning into in each of these instances. I just know that it’s consistently most helpful to when I faithfully convey whatever I get, in whatever way I get it.

Sometimes the people I work with  worry that I’ll find their interpretation of the energy they are feeling “crazy.” I always laugh and reply, “You know what I do for a living here, right?”

If you think of everything as being an expression of energy as I do, the idea individuals may translate and envision the same energetic forces differently doesn’t seem so far-fetched. I’ve long since stopped asking myself what’s literally “real” so much as whether or not I’m feeling that undeniable ring of truth. I’m reaching for the essence, the knowing, not extraneous details.

I guess I’m saying is I don’t think it matters much, how you envision the structure of the world. It just matters how whatever you settle upon interacts with your own sense of truth. And this concept nestles neatly into our upcoming forecast.

Next Week in Tarot

For this week’s outlook, we got The Lovers! And advice is the High Priestess reversed. These renditions come from the Crystal Visions Tarot deck.

Now, you’ve got to love getting The Lovers as a weekly forecast. Or at least, I do! It promises plenty of opportunity for finding harmony, balance and basically sliding into a comfortable groove.

I say “opportunity” instead of promise, though. I find it important to remember that the Lovers is a card of choices more than anything else. That potential for blissful harmony isn’t automatic. Instead, it’s achieved through a series of choices, exercising personal preferences with integrity and authenticity. Any relationship fits who you really are perfectly only when you’re perfectly true to who you really are.

With advice for the week embodied by the High Priestess reversed,  we’re being encouraged to plug in before we act on our choices. Again, it’s not automatic. There might be a little antsiness to soothe worries, address building tensions or otherwise react to fears. Wait for the sense of everything “clicking into place” before you finalize anything. This doesn’t appear to be a lengthy wait. It’s just a matter of proper timing. Hint: If you’re unsure if the timing is right, it isn’t. When the timing is right (and the High Priestess has made her way to upright), you just know it. You don’t need to know how or why you know it. You’ll just know it.

Are you feeling a “knowing?” Or feeling for it?

I’m open to doing a few more Spirit Message readings, although I don’t think I’m going to offer them as a regular thing. Just a now and then thing. If you would like to get in on it, send $40 via Paypal and feel free to identify a general area of interest if you want (e.g. romance, money, family). These seemed to flow the easiest with a more general focus.

Otherwise, if you want old school Tarot, give me a holler and we can talk.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Crystal Visions Tarot, High Priestess, The Lovers

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