May 7

Tender: Weekly Flow Tarot, May 9 -15


You know how the word “tenderness” can mean kindness or a soreness, a hurt that is vulnerable?

That’s the temperate I’m getting right now. Tender.

And from both ways. And for the ouchy way, I’m sorry.

So I’m here to remind you, the most powerful protection from the tender causing injury is self-care. Being kind loving to yourself, so you can be kind and loving to everybody else. Without adding undue injury in the process.

For this next week, some sore spots coming in and out of focus, like tides rolling in and out. Tender. And how they heal, how we make our way through them going forward will be shaped and shifted and altered by displays (or withholding) of compassion.

I suggest invoking the kindness bit, as it will ease the sting of the sore spots tremendously. As always, start in the mirror.

May 9 - 15 2016

Monday, Shine – Queen of Wands rx: You focus must be directed upon your own part in the play, not that of anyone else. Stay firmly in your own space, with your own values and objectives and tune out everything off-task to shine your inner beauty all over that mess. Okay?

Tuesday, Find Balance – Two of Swords: This combo smacks of decision-making and compromise. Key is leaning in to principles and values, while letting go of what doesn’t really matter vs. win-lose scenarios. Keep your ego off to the side to focus on objectives and you’ll get further.

Wednesday, Release – Ace of Cups rx: It’s an emotional thing. And it would not take a big change, to shift how you feel from hurting to better. Just a little shift, in the way you choose to frame it. Hone in on what’s kind or loving that you can find in or around the situation. Any way or time you can invoke love, you’re calling upon one of the Universe’s most powerful healing forces.

Thursday, Just Breathe – Six of Cups: Great day for daydreaming, reminiscing, or otherwise allowing your imagination to roam. Please do not put a lot of stress on yourself today, okay? It would be a great time for something fun, and especially activities that remind you of your youth. Exhale, folks!

Friday, Darkest Fears – Eight of Cups rx: Scared you won’t be able to let go of your lifeline? That thing that doesn’t really work for ya so well anymore, but it feels safer? Fear that you’ll fail without what you’re increasingly becoming to expect is a false sense of security? This is a worry about not being able to do without. I’d suggest looking at what the fears tell you about how you perceive yourself because that’s the most fruitful focus of this laser beam.

Saturday, Believe & Succeed – The Lovers: Make your choice, and commit to it. While the couple on the Two of Cups is young love, the Lovers are seasoned. Look to maintain as much harmony as you can between who you are and what you do. Harmony between who you are and what you do yields success. Helpful Hint: At least one of the people you’re believing in has to be you.

Sunday, Giving & Receiving/Heart Chakra – The Fool: You cannot hold onto preconceived notions AND have a completely open heart. The two are mutually exclusive. You have to be open to the energy exchange itself to give and receive. Preconceived notions serve as walls, keeping us from experiencing the present moment and truly being with others. The secret is being discriminating in whom you opt to share heart energy with.

Overview/Advice, Love Abounds – The Star: LOVE GIVES HOPE. Love heals.

[bctt tweet=”Love lets you ride the waves of life instead of drowning. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]

Affirmation, Water: “Water represents emotional energy, intuition, the deep mind and receptivity. Water’s fluidity adapts to whatever environment or form it finds itself in, without losing its essence. As the ocean mother responds to the pull of lunar energy, we, in our bodies of water, respond to the ancient ones. Listen to your inner rhythms.”

This is a fluid week. Understand that there is a heightened emotional sensitivity right now, amongst yourself as well as everyone else. Take your time and take the space to allow yourself to feel your way through the challenges. It’s not only okay it’s that way–it’s perfect that way. Because it’s exactly what we need to get through our respective challenges. The Universe hands us retrograde soups like we have presently s to allow us to rewire sections of our lives. How foolish it would be to waste the opportunity! It really is a gift in ugly wrapping paper.

Purge Therapy, Retrograde Style: I’ve set up a box for donating to the thrift store, and in gradually adding bits and pieces of energy I want to release in this box. I’m doing this very gradually, just when I’m picking up or it happens to occur to me. I’m doing gut checks and reviewing what kind of feelings, what kind of energy is attached to each object. I’m cleaning out emails and pictures. I’m looking at things in my house and saying, “If I were to move, would I want to take that with me? Do I want this to be in my future?” The release you get when you “weed for the future” this way is wonderful.  And what you’ll also find is that circumstances in the physical tend to shift, sometimes very promptly after you cut your energy from whatever you’re purging.

So do that – release. In doing, you’re weeding for your future so your selected seeds will have the best chance to grow healthy and strong.

Are you feeling this?

This forecast features the Tarot Heart Oracle, the Tarot Nova, and Wisdom of the Crone divination cards. If you enjoyed it, you’d probably like Dixie’s Book, Everyday Tarot Archives, or better yet, a personal consultation.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Ace of Cups, Eight of Cups, Heart Chakra, Psychic Heart Tarot, Queen of Wands, Six of Cups, Tarot Nova, The Fool, The Lovers, The Star, Two of Swords, Water Element, Wisdom of the Crone

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