These two cards are “personal” cards for me—not as in reflecting my chart or personal numerology or something like that. Personal in the sense that I draw them repeatedly in my own readings. Sometimes more prominent than others, but they both are frequent enough I’m never surprised to see them. I think this is because of my tendency to take on more than I can comfortably manage, and then feel like there is no escape!
Today’s Tarot is the Ten of Wands (Saturn in Sagittarius) and reversed Eight of Swords (Jupiter in Gemini). Maybe you’re over-burdened. Maybe you’ve got too much on your plate, and see no way free. Truthfully? It’s a choice. How much, what, how important or not—regardless of the emotional connection you have to the job. It’s a CHOICE.
Remind yourself. It’s okay if you opt to continue with your load. Just so long as you’re taking responsibility for having the responsibility, that is. Because you’re responsible for YOU, I’m responsible for me, and that guy over there? Himself! If you’re doing everything because “nobody else would get it right,” well, okay then, Sparky. But don’t attribute it to other people’s inability to perform to your standards. See it for what it is: control freaking of the first degree. I’m not control-freaky much, but it behooves me to own it where it applies. Then, at least I’ve got nobody to curse but myself. Ha!
Do you bite off too much and then complain with your mouth full?
![]() | Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot by Us Games Systems |
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