June 15

Ten of Wands Rx & Five of Wands: Flying with Certainty


Humans are a self-doubting lot. We look everywhere for reassurances: friends, family, society, science and signs…that’s a lot of insecurity.

This self-questioning approach, however, assumes there is exactly one right choice and everything else is a wrong choice and our role s to gather data to suss out the right option.

None of that is so.

Our singular job on the planet is to live the best, happiest life that we can as we see it. What that looks like will be different for every individual. There are an infinite number of routes to home here and they all can be “right.” It’s not the scenery itself that makes the journey a good one. It’s more about the beauty we find in the scenery we’re looking at, right now.

Next week, pick your route and keep your eyes forward.

Next Week in Tarot

For the outlook, we got the Suppression reversed (Ten of Wands/ Fire) and for advice, there is Totality (Five of Wands/Fire). It’s not too surprising to me that we get some intense cards for the outset of Eclipse season.

I prefer cards like Suppression to show up reversed. The reversal suggests coming into a place where the sense of burden is about to be lifted. I like that! Likely we’re already in the process of the weight lessening and that sense of being restrained is dissipating, or at least it should over the next week.

Expect a lightening of the load overall, even if it’s not sudden–although it certainly could be.

As far as advice, “Totality” is a little different flavor  than the traditional Five of Wands, which depicts a group of people fighting. Even in the Osho Zen version of the card, though, this is not a wishy-washy vibe. It’s an all-in approach.

We’re being called to fully commit to whatever we are doing, being fully present. Perhaps it may feel risky to invest fully and maybe we’re tempted to continue questioning our choices, but no good will come of it at this point. .

I’m seeing this in terms of a window opening. Make a call and MOVE. Don’t waffle on the direction you want to go or slow down to second-guess yourself about whether or not a given decision is “right.” Instead, once you make the call, commit. You make the decision “right” by lining up behind it and using your feelings to steer you along the path. The fit of your decision for you here is made true by how you live it, not by external conditions.

Take an upcoming opportunity to free yourself–and keep your attention fully on your goals and nothing else. Self-doubt is not your friend here. Focus, on the other hand, is exactly what is required.

You know how sometimes it’s easier to believe in other people than it is to believe in yourself? Give yourself the same gift of support you’d offer to a loved one, right now.  Expect the best from and for yourself. Be your own best cheerleader and watch how far you can fly.

Are you seeing a window opening?

Give me a holler for a private consult if you want a little help charting your own course.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Five of Wands, Osho Zen, Ten of Wands

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