October 23

Ten of Wands: Bearing Down


So, after I pull the cards for the week, take my picture. And then I shuffle and pull for myself. Like I do sometimes. Same cards, same positions.

Smartass Tarot is smartass.

So yes, I’m right there with you friends. I’m feeling this one.

I’ll do my damnedest to take my own advice. (Much better when my advice is self-inflicted than when one of my loved ones tosses it back in my lap. Because that happens. Snort!) I think it will help.

Hope the cards can be of help to you, too.

Next Week in the Cards

Next week we have “Suppression”–Ten of Wands as outlook, with “Tuning In,” or Four of Cups reversed as advice. Cards pictured here from the Osho Zen Tarot deck. This isn’t a light and fluffy vibe. It’s more a covered in mud vibe.

Burdens, worries, the weight of responsibility bearing down would all fit here as the prevailing mood. It’s a worrisome state.

The load you are carrying may have nothing to do with what you want, nor what you deserve. You may not even be the “right” person to take it on. Who knows? Fact is, you have taken it on for whatever the reasons and it’s not light.

I’m sorry! It does suck.

With a reversed Four of Cups as advice, I’m going to tell you to pull back if you’re considering taking on more. That means not only new stuff, but also adding new concerns about old stuff.

Hence, don’t sit around and endlessly ask yourself “What if…?” It doesn’t end well and it’s not supporting you. You do the best you can at the time, and that is enough. Because it’s your best!

Also, don’t run disaster scenarios about the future in your head, either. “What’s going south next?” isn’t any better than the what-if’s. It does not serve anyone to wrestle with problems you don’t have.

Be here, now, and do what you can, what you need to do, for the moment. Not the past or future, but the right now. In the moment, be present and deal with that moment. It truly is enough. Rough times don’t last forever.

Hugs! Always over here rooting for you, friends.



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Four of Cups, Osho Zen, Ten of Wands

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