June 25

Ten of Pents Reversed: Right or Happy?


It’s been stunning for me to realize how radically different that various individuals can be looking at the very same situations. It’s like we’re watching entirely different movies and arguing about the plot. It reminded me of the Kipling ballad.

Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth! -Kipling, The Ballad of East and West

I’ve always really liked this poem. But today, the timelessness strikes me. While the particulars of the story or the language used would be different today than in 1899 when it was first published, the meaning is every bit as understandable.

It’s worth noting our shared humanity as we navigate next week. There will be plenty of opportunities for those committing to that process.

Next Week in Tarot

I accidently reached for the Angel cards first, so I flipped one to go with the weekly reading as an affirmation. “Look for a Sign” was the message about the message.

To elaborate, Tarot delivered a reversed Ten of Pentacles for our weekly outlook, with The Sun showing up as advice. These lovely cards from the Star Tarot gave me the exactly sign I was looking for.

The reverse Ten of Pentacles denotes a hopefulness. We’re unquestionably NOT one big happy family right now, effectively loving one another and working toward shared prosperity–that would be an upright Ten of Pentacles. But for this card to even show up, at least some of that energy must be present, although not fully expressed in the current state. But it’s still there.

In other words, we already share far more than we realize.  A song I just ran across captured that feeling for me.

The Sun asks us to seek a fresher, simpler outlook. We are looking at the world with a new view.

Love, joy and kindness supersedes all else with the Sun’s energy. Broad strokes matter more than specific details. Intentions matter more than interpretations. You could call this perspective naïve. I’d call it refreshingly optimistic myself. Two sides of the same coin, I suppose.

The Sun’s perspective will assume that others mean well, even if their ideas about what that “well” looks like are very different from your own. It’s easy to ascribe positive motives to those whom we agree with. It takes a conscious decision and sometimes quite a bit of effort to do the same for those we don’t.

Given the choice, would you rather be right or happy? That is precisely the choice we have before us.

We can look for signs that we’re completely correct about all we judge wrong in the world. We’ll be able to find it. We can also look for signs of all that’s right in the world. We will, without question, be able to find it as well. It’s a big world and both are obviously present, depending on where we aim our gaze. What we find highlights where we’re looking more than anything else.

I’m expecting ample excuse for both upset and encouragement next week. It’s all going to be in front of us, streaming in brilliant colors. Stress brings out both the best and the worst of us.

I’m looking for signs of the best. Which ones are you looking for (Dix asks rhetorically)?

Looking for a personal check-in on finding your own way? Give me a holler for a private session.

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Star Tarot, Ten of Pentacles, The Sun

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