October 6

Ten of Pentacles Rx: Mind Your Own Affairs


I was hanging out with a friend recently. She was talking about catching some grief for befriending folks who live to a different standard than she (and the other person) follows.

The specific differences we’re talking are irrelevant, really.  It could have been a Republican to a Democrat or a Christian to an atheist or whatever. Anything that entails a differing set of beliefs about what’s moral and true would qualify.  The combinations are endless.

“They’re good people. That’s all I need to know. ”  In short, she doesn’t run someone’s life through any sort of ideological litmus test before opening up her heart.

I’ve got mad respect for that approach. I think it’s so much more fruitful to live the best life I can personally than to appoint myself director of everyone else’s choices.

This coming week, it would be a great approach to emulate. (And after that as well, but that’s another issue.)

Next Week in Tarot

For the outlook, we’ve got the Ten of Pentacles (reversed) and advice was the King of Pentacles (also reversed). I photographed them upright because the level of detail on artwork of the Illuminati Tarot is much easier to take in upright.

Here’s the video version.

A lot is going on in the world. Many people–perhaps some especially close to you–have many opinions of what’s righteous versus what’s folly amongst the hubbub.

Your job is to make completely sure you’re managing YOUR affairs. You all know I’m always harping on staying in your own lane–as much a reminder to myself as to anyone else. But this week, the cards are backing me up on this one. There’s enough going on already. You just do YOU, okway?

If you want a little extra perspective while you’re figuring out what you want, though, I’m more than glad to help. Give me a holler for a private session.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


King of Pentacles, Tarot Illuminati, Ten of Pentacles, Video

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