January 14

Temperance Rx: No Fire (But it Feels Like One)


It’s scratchy as Hell out there. People are wound up–even many folks that are usually soft-spoken aren’t, right now. It’s a smidge disconcerting to wade in.

If you tend to soak up the energy around you (and everybody does sometimes)…well, this is not a flavor you want to chow down on, lest you find yourself caught up in a tizzy as well.

I don’t personally have the emotional bandwidth for it because, life.

Isn’t life enough for us all?

But even if I did have the capacity, that’s not what I want to run through my system. At the simplest level, it doesn’t feel good to me.

That’s my guiding compass. What feels better?

Hint, hint: A “What-Feels-Better” compass would probably serve us well in the coming week. Just sayin.’

Next Week in Tarot

I got Temperance reversed for the outlook, and an inverted Two of Swords as advice from The Good Tarot deck. Here’s your very short video forecast complete with my serious face. I do, however, have the WRONG card card image in this video. Can I blame it on impending Mercury Rx? Pretty please?

Transcript from Temperance RX: No Fire!

Hey, this is Dixie from a Fool’s Journey. Hang on for next week’s forecast, but I’ll warn you in advance. Those who need this advice the most, are probably going to like it the least.

Hey, OK, you ready for next week’s forecast?

I pulled Temperance reversed for the outlook and for advice. We got the Two of Swords reversed.

The general feeling that I’ve got about this is that people are watching different movies. People are…any individual is so invested and emotionally wrought up with the situations that they’re considering right now that they’re not able to integrate all of the relevant facts, perspectives, understandings.

Basically, people are incapable of seeing the whole picture right now. So in terms of advice, don’t make final decisions, don’t sign the dotted line, don’t try and weigh it out.

Just let things emerge and clarify as they do and as they will. There is no fire. So deep breath, step back and take your time. That’s what I got for you this week. I hope that it’s helpful. Take care and peace out from the Zen Goddess.

Bye bye.

Take care out there friends. Let the world clarify while you do whatever it is you do to feel like a happier human being.

This may or may involve chocolate. I’m not judging. All I ask is for the same courtesy.

Much love.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Good Tarot, Temperance, Two of Swords, Video

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