March 31

03/31/12: Mastering the Mix | Temperance


IMG_2101Life is a sort of alchemy. You combine emotion and action for an outcome. Love and hate, self and other, light and dark all come together to somehow create, you know? Power, control, intent and proportion determine  success (or lack thereof). Being who I am, it’s not hard to get off balance, in my mix. I dump in a little of this and little of that. I just hate being bound by recipes.

Today’s Tarot is reversed Temperance (Sagittarius). The angel shows up to clue us in, something’s off in the mix. Too much thinking, not enough dreaming. Too much passion, not enough action. Something, somewhere, isn’t in the proper proportion to create the desired result.

Seek to realign wherever you are out of whack. This is important! As in transformational. (We’re in the Major Arcana.) It may not take a big adjustment, but the impact is big.

So get quiet, clear your mind and let perspective come. Let go of how it “must be” and release your concerns to the divine. The answers you need show up that way, right on schedule.

Do you think you’ve got your own mix right?

Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
by Us Games Systems

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Major Arcana, Radiant Rider Waite, Temperance

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