Lately, I’ve been looking to be a lot less “conditional.”
We use the word “unconditional” often without really thinking about what it means. It’s because a little automatic–so I’ve been looking to reconnect with the concept.
“Unconditional: not subject to any conditions. Wholehearted, unqualified, unreserved, unlimited, unrestricted,unmitigated, unquestioning;
complete, total, entire, full,absolute, out-and-out, unequivocal.” – Google’s definition
Unconditional happiness. Unconditional love. Unconditional appreciation.
Do you see the freedom in that? Can you get a whiff of it?
I can love everything and everyone! Whether they are nice to me or others or not. I can appreciate the good without condemning what I see as flawed. I can find things to appreciate no matter what the circumstances of my life or anything else.
The bonus bit is that finding your way to an unconditional state of joy and anticipation and appreciation actually puts you into the “sweet spot” for manifesting more pleasing conditions. It moves your personal vibration to match the conditions you like. As long as you don’t stop to take score every two minutes (and match your vibration to “not there yet, not there yet, where is it, not there yet), just revel and roll in the unconditional feelings, you’re on your way!
With the forecast for the coming week, I’d say it’s a great time to practice being less conditional. The week will flow a whole lot smoother and you’re fare better than people who are looking out their windows before deciding how they feel about the energetic weather. Set the tone yourself deliberately, and let life follow your lead.

This week has a slow motion feel to me, kind of like moving through a heavy mist. Emotions are prominent, so take care of yours by being kind to yourself. Much easier to sidestep outbursts that way–hopefully not your own! (Also? Big emotion doesn’t equal “bad week” to me. It does, however, point to a powerful week. Aim your emotions at what you want instead of what you don’t and let this give your desires a boost towards realization.)
I’d strongly advise you to stay in the present and look for what feels good right NOW. And now, and now and now. Not so much attention wandering off into the future or back into the past. I’m seeing someone hiking up a rocky path, looking down frequently to be sure of their footing. If they were trying to monitor other hikers, see how it wouldn’t be as helpful? Walk your own path. Don’t worry about anybody else’s path. Just yours.
Monday, Six of Swords Rx: You’re moving, even though it’s pretty slow and not completely the direction you’d prefer. Acknowledge the progress, will you? It helps. Even if the progress doesn’t feel directly forward, it is moving and that’s better than stagnation. Line up your energy with where you want to go.
Tuesday, Six of Pentacles Rx: Tendency to assume the worst, about the self or others. Don’t fall for it! It feels a whole lot better to assume the best and it helps you stay on track.
Wednesday, Death: Not an easy day. Sorry! Death usually speaks to very deep change, where the rotted and broken get rooted out. But it’s often an uncomfortable process. There’s a lot of power in it and it has it’s place in the life cycle. However, may not be your favorite.
Thursday, Seven of Cups: Not all is necessarily how it appears on the surface. Time will flesh out the details (read: accurate details) so just take it slow and easy, slow and easy.
Friday, Ten of Cups Rx: You can see the same scene, looking at what bothers you or looking at what fills your heart. Totally different experiences, right there. You probably know where my vote is so just remember, today it’s your vote that counts. Happy eclipse (she says unironically)!
Saturday, Strength Rx: Give it a rest, whatever “it” is. Take the day off from fussing.
Sunday, Eight of Swords: All the limitations are self-imposed. Of course, they always are but they often don’t feel that way.
Overview/Advice: Chariot Rx: Continue to take a light touch and indirect route, of that’s the path of least resistance. Not a week to push, push, push. There’s enough of that going on already! Good time to stay in your own lane, too. Lots of backseat drivers on the road and that’s not helping. Stay aware of your goals, yes, but don’t try to force anything.
Affirmation: Words do not teach. Life experience teaches. Obviously, we cannot talk anyone else into doing what we find right. Hell, we don’t know that for anybody else, anyway. Each of us has one and only one path we have rights to navigate, thank you very much. Look at others in their strength, their connection, and see their ability. You can hold that vision in your heart, solid when the others are not feeling it as much. And you can live your own life, never beating up on yourself for what you didn’t know then or “should have” understood or figured out or whatever. We are where we are where we are and it’s the perfect place for us to be. It has to be perfect, because it is where we are.
Be in the now and be kind there–to others, yes, but first to yourself. That is what makes radiating that kindness outward possible.
[bctt tweet=”Kindness to self makes for kindness to the world. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]
Are you being kind to you?
Radiant Rider-Waite® in a Tin for the draw, with affirmation from Abraham-Hicks Well-Being Cards.. Get my book, Everyday Tarot Archives here, or hit me up for a consult. ♥