April 16

Tangled Yarn – Tarot Forecast, Apr 18 – 24


My radar has been dinging off the hook lately. Overdrive! There is a lot of stress and angst out in the wild right now. I know, because I’m feeling it. I’m talking to people who are feeling it.

Folks are overwhelmed, scared, mad and otherwise wound the Hell up. Bombshells are dropping left and right, and many folks are not at all sure what steps to take next. It feels like things have been going SO FAST and there is a sense in the collective of just being rattled at a little shell shocked.

Lots of lives have lots of tangles right now.

Well, if this is you, pay heed. My astrologer friends have been talking about retrograde season coming into swing. And while I am often frustrated by the slow-downs and delays and otherwise frustrating aspects of retrogrades, right now? Not so much.

There are a lot of knots to untangle in the yarn of life and the only way to do it is to slow down, go back and review. It will all get sorted but one tiny section at a time.

This energy is coming into swing now, so you may have already felt the slow down. If you haven’t yet, heads up.

Tarot Forecast Apr 18 - 24 2016

The tone overall next week is emotional, with physical, real-world implications of how you express that emotion built in. If you’re feeling stressed, lean into self care. It helps. Understand that knots may take time to untangle and the Universal energy flow will be supporting this activity now. So don’t freak out about the size of your tangles, just pick up an end and start the process.

Monday, Sacrifice – King of Pentacles: Be willing to spend on what (or who) matters to you. Think in terms of investment, not necessarily expenditure. And by “spend,” we could be talking cash, sure. But we could also be talking time, attention, patience, what have you. Many times, we put a LOT of energy in what we don’t want: worry, fear, obsessions, anger, angst, what have you. That leaves us in a survival-we-hope mindset and emotional state. And it sucks! In all of that, you’re intensifying your experience of what you don’t want. You’re investing your life force in it. Why? When clean up is required (and it probably will be this week), focus on WHERE YOU’RE GOING with it! A lot of the same action. But much, much different vibe during the execution. Look forward, eyes fixed on where you want to be.

[bctt tweet=”Invest in getting what you want, not avoiding what you don’t. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]

Tuesday, Material Harvest – Ace of Pentacles: Another nudge to invest. I’d specifically look at investments that are supportive of making money, now or later, or that support you physically. We’re in the realm of real-world today, tangible and physical. Good potential for what’s started now to pay off well coming up.

Wednesday, Spiritual Union – Knight of Cups Rx: Oh all the feelings! Back and forth, to and fro. This speaks moodiness in personal relationships. Not necessarily bad moods, though. So if you like the mood, great! Enjoy it. Appreciate it in the moment it’s there. But if you don’t like it, don’t stress. It’s likely to be short lived. Ride the waves like a surfer dude (or dudette). Self-care for the win.

Thursday, Firm Foundation – Seven of Cups: Potential to identify entrenched false assumptions. Question what you assume here and look for supporting evidence of what you feel you “know” because there may be some misunderstood or misrepresented conclusions in the mix. Base your actions on what you KNOW, not what you assume or suspect and you’ll be good.

Friday, Rejoice in Celebration  – Ace of Swords Rx: Look for opportunity to get out of your head and not overthink things today.  Have a little (distracting) fun with friends! Full Moon in Scorpio – great for massive, deep release.

Saturday, Harmony – Seven of Wands Rx: It’s a get-along day. Definitely a time to reserve energy and choose battles wisely. Sure, you can go against the crowd, but only do so with a POINT. Because not everybody needs to be you or see the world as you see it. That doesn’t matter. If it’s not so important? Eh. Get over it (and yourself) and save the fights for stuff that matters.

Sunday, Emotional Loss – Eight of Cups Rx: There is a hint of a sting here–sorry!–which looks to be from old business, something you did not completely release yet emotionally. What you thought you were over but you’re not quite may come to visit.  This doesn’t strike me as super-intense. The trick here is allowing yourself to feel whatever it is with acceptance. Let it come to you, feel it and let it wash away. Feel and release. And afterwards? Baths or showers help a lot to wash it right off…

Overview/Advice, Material & Spiritual Prosperity – Four of Cups Rx: Be ready to bump yourself out of a rut and try something new. At the same time, realize general discontent isn’t great for prosperity (in any sense of the word “prosperity”). Instead, take discomfort as a helpful nudge to make changes. Appreciating what you’ve got and building on gratitude IS great for prosperity, however.  So bear this in mind, throughout the week and every time you can, look to reorient your outlook to one of appreciation. It will both improve your results and lighten the burden at the same time. Win/win, friends.

Affirmation: Lilac – Strengthen your Faith. Fear closes down our vibration and locks us up tight. Faith and courage opens up our energy and makes us more magnetic. Also? Lilac is a lovely color (and smell). It’s also a great plant for protection and romance. Strengthen your faith this week–start by reflecting on all the times faith and love have come through for you. Hand your worries over to your spirits and let them sort it out. It’s a very, very freeing experience.

Are you feeling tangled? How do you manage it?

This forecast features the Pagan Cat Tarot, with the Psychic Tarot Oracle to represent positions and the Color Oracle for the affirmation. If you enjoy these forecasts, you’d probably like Dixie’s Book, Everyday Tarot Archives or better yet, a personal consultation.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, Color Cards, Eight of Cups, Four of Cups, King of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Pagan Cat Tarot, Psychic Tarot Oracle, Seven of Cups, Seven of Wands

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