June 18

06/19/13: Synthesis for the Magic / Temperance



Well, thank God we got something a little warmer! This is indeed a beautiful rendition of Temperance. Not to mention she’s clearly got some powerful herbs in that smudge shell, huh? Har!

Temperance indicates a period of integration. Do you need to take a day off to process emotionally? Or it is it simply as combining two good recipes to make a great recipe? Magic and everyday, shadow and light, work and pleasure…what isn’t mixing for you. Whatever you’ve got on the one hand and on the other hand, see about putting them together. The missing piece is lying in synthesis.

Do you have something to combine?

Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert – And a note about this deck: Llewellyn has decided not to do another print run for it, so if you want a copy, you’d be advised to order it now. You may not get a chance later, at least not at a reasonable price.

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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Gaian Tarot, Temperance

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