February 18

02/19/14: Surprise Comeback? / 6 of Wands Rx


What’s the Surprise? Well, maybe it’s a clear win that is not being acknowledged. Or perhaps it’s a winning strategy that doesn’t “bring it home.” Or maybe a surprise comeback from opponents. This doesn’t mean you cannot win, but to come out on top, you’re going to have to hang in there until the end.

Consistent with my weekly video forecast, I’m going to say not to start packing it up and phoning it in before ALL votes are counted. I don’t see a card appear unless it’s energy is present in some form and this is a pleasant card, but the Six of Wands is one I much prefer to see upright. As it is, we really have to get that energy upright before we can start with the celebrations.

Maybe you’re the one who is being discounted, and nobody has expected you to get this far. If so, then marshal your resources for the home stretch. You could come out on top if you hang in there! That’s the deciding factor. No matter who you are in this scenario—the surpriser or the surprisee—it ain’t over ‘til it’s over. Don’t clock out early or you’ll be kicking yourself later.

Are you in the middle of this?

Schedule a session with Dixie.

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Deck of 1000 Spreads, Gilded Tarot, Six of Wands

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