April 14

Sun: Finding Happy When it’s Nowhere in Sight


Being unhappy isn’t wrong. It’s not evidence you’re not exactly the right place, in the right time. It’s not evidence of a failing. It’s a perfectly normal part of the cycle of life.

It’s not fun. But it’s not in any way inappropriate, either.

Unhappiness often helps us break free of situations no longer serving and imparts crazy levels of crystal-clarity on what we actually would like to live. All our experiences become an integral part of shaping who we are. They feed our desires and start the foundation of the better our lives will become.

You can’t simultaneously love who you are and hate the experience that created you. And it doesn’t really matter how you got here anyway. Right now, you’ve got “here” to work with.  Best to make peace with it as a first step in being able to move forward.

But you can make the transitional time to better flow smoother and faster. And it’s not so difficult to accomplish.

Just do your best to give as much airtime as possible to anything that feels even a little bit better to you. Of two options, always take the one that feels better. Of two thoughts, choose by what feels better over what may seem more likely or more true. FEEL your way through.

Attention turns up vibrations. Turn up the better feeling vibrations by looking for the little bits and pieces of life you can appreciate, wherever you can find them. The topic doesn’t matter–only the emotional tone  matters. Give love the priority. Give appreciation maximum airtime.

[bctt tweet=”There is no better analgesic than appreciation. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]

This week, we have the Sun, from Good Tarot, and HoneysuckleDomestic Happiness and Devoted Affection–from the Botanical Inspirations deck.

The Sun is one of my favorite Tarot cards. Living the Sun–your own Sun–is nothing short of being true to your inner spirit. The Honeysuckle is another of my favorites. The intoxicating Honeysuckle has long been associated with love and fidelity.

The Sun in Astrology speaks to your identity, the real self: not a reflection as seen outside you. It’s that inner spark of light, of heat, of pure energy that IS the foundation of who you are. Your own Sun is nothing short of your personal divinity. Pure love, in a nutshell.

This week, declare wherever you are at as okay. Feel love for yourself. Appreciate the goodness that represents the truth of who you are. Calling forth as much love as possible helps you connect to your joy.

Dedicate yourself to being the most authentic, appreciative and loving person you can manage to be in any given moment. And it doesn’t matter how thoroughly you manage. You cannot get it wrong, because it only matters that you are reaching for it. Consistently live this way, and your life will to get better and better.

I promise.

Peace Out.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Botanical Inspirations, Good Tarot, Happiness, Honeysuckle, The Sun

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