“No authority is higher than reality.” Peter Nivio Zarlenga

Steady, perhaps gentle, but always, always constant, unyielding—this is how to seek the truth. You don’t waver, don’t blink, be ready and open to see whatever is there.
Truth withstands scrutiny. Truth doesn’t need protection, although it may require seeking. Sometimes, that truth gets buried under a whole lot of crap, you know?
Be wary of suggestions you abandon the search. Don’t let the authority of others set YOUR reality, nor be deterred by the perceived strength of conventional or public opinion. It’s YOUR truth, you know? It belongs to you and you alone. That’s worth defending. Those secure in their own truth seldom need you to acquiesce to their reality.
I’d rather stand all alone with MY truth that be surrounded by a city of experts, telling me their truth. If I take it on the word of someone else, it never belongs to me.
What’s your take on authority and truth?
![]() | The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding |
Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.
These cards together sure make a pretty picture, Dixie. They remind me of KIng Arthur’s line from “Camelot” about “right is might” not “might is right.” The lion looks exiled from the city, like he was deposed or something. Authority can do that ~ out of might or right. Everybody has a different truth. The only thing “real” are facts.
I love what you said “If I take it on the word of others, it never belongs to me.” We all have our own truths to find.
You have such a knack with this deck. I bought the deck but it’s not user friendly for me. I love seeing how you work with it.
Thank you, cj! I was a little surprised that the deck works for me as well as it does until I started just using it. I don’t do client reads with it at this point, although I probably could. But the way the pictures integrate, even simple pictures, is just incredibly evocative for me.